WA Coastal Calendar

WA Coastal Calendar

The Coastal Calendar has two main functions.  These are to co-ordinate events between Exmouth and Esperance, and to provide the information needed for the Department of Transport (Marine Safety) to give permission for the conduct of what the Navigable Waters Regulations class as Regattas and which in fact covers all races and organised cruises, both sail and power. It also covers all dinghy training. Having events approved has a twofold benefit, firstly other water users may not interfere with these events and secondly, in the case of off-the-beach boats, it permits them to sail under Part 2 of the YA Special Regulations rather than the Navigable Water Regulations. This is why it is important to include dinghy training times in your list of events.

The relevant clauses to which the Coastal Calendar works are quoted below:

51C. Organised races, displays, regattas and aquatic sports

A person shall not organise, promote or conduct a race, display or regatta for vessels of any description or an exhibition of any form of aquatic sport, including water skiing, in any navigable waters, unless permission therefore has first been granted by the department.

12. Regattas

(a) No person shall navigate a vessel in such a manner or in such a position as to obstruct, impede or otherwise interfere with, or endanger the safety of boats or persons assembled or competing in events on the occasion of any form of aquatic sport, boat race, swimming carnival, regatta or other assembly for the purpose of entertainment within any navigable waters, for which permission has been granted pursuant to regulation 51C.

Always remembering that paragraph (c) states:

(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) the person in charge of any sailing vessel or motor boat competing in an organised event shall comply with regulation 13.

13. Prevention of Collisions at Sea Regulations apply

It is the duty of every person in charge of a motor boat or sailing vessel to be conversant with and to abide at all times by, these regulations and the Prevention of Collisions at Sea.

Off the Beach Boats - Dinghies

The exemption from wearing PFD 1s, carrying flares, anchors, etc. is granted each season and applies to all events that are on the Coastal Calendar both summer and winter. It also applies to organised training. A copy of the exemption can be obtained from the YWA Office. The exemption only applies to the dinghies, not to coach or safety boats.

The Coastal Committee must be informed of all events even if you feel they do not need co-coordinating because no one else operates in your patch of water, so that they can be cleared with the appropriate authorities that include Department of Transport, Fisheries and Fremantle Ports.


Club representatives can add events to the shared WA Coastal Calendar Google spreadsheet by the application due date in the first week of June. Please see ‘Instructions’ tab for detailed notes on using this shared document.

The benefit of a shared calendar is the ability to view other Club’s applications and address any potential conflicts for water space, thereby allowing for a more efficient approval process.

Please click here to access the Australian Sailing WA Coastal Calendar


Once a clubs knows the date of a World Championship that it has been allocated to run, the date should be submitted to YWA Office so that the water space can be booked in advance. The Coastal Committee is happy to receive the date of a National Championship up to 12 months in advance. It is important that these dates are known prior to clubs constructing their year’s calendar.

All clubs that conduct events within the defined coastal area are entitled to, and should, send a Delegate to the Coastal Annual Meetings.