Match Racing

Match Racing 

A match race consists of two identical boats racing against each other. This is a one-on-one duel of strategy and tactics and the objective is simple – to cross the finish line first. 

A match racing course is always a windward/leeward course and each race takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. A match race begins four minutes before the starting time when each boat must enter the starting area from opposite ends of the start line. As soon as they enter the starting area, they will engage in a pre-start battle as each one tries to gain an advantage over the other. They both try to cause the other boat to infringe a rule and so receive a penalty or to simply get the most advantageous position on the starting line for themselves so they are in control of the race. 

Match racing is officiated by umpires on the water who follow the boats and make instant on-course decisions about whether a penalty is given. The umpire boat will use yellow and blue flags to indicate which boat has been given a penalty or a green flag if no penalty is given. 

When a boat is penalised it must complete a full circle penalty turn. This can be done at any time during the race before the finish line. If one boat has a penalty and the other also gets one before the first has taken theirs then they are cancelled out. If a boat receives three penalties then it is disqualified. 

Australian Match Racing Championships 

Australian Sailing manages national Match Racing Championships in partnership with a host club as the Organising Authority (OA).   

There are four match racing divisions in Australia; they are Open, Women, Youth and School Championships 

For clubs wishing to host Australian Match Racing Championships an Expression of Interest (EOI) process is conduced periodically or you can contact the National Event Manager for more information. 

Australian Match Racing Championships 

Australian Open Match Racing Championships  
Australian Women Match Racing Championships  
Australian Youth Match Racing Championships 
Australian School Match Racing Championships

World Sailing Match Racing Championships – Selection Criteria 

To represent Australia at the World Sailing Match Racing Championships, the skipper is required to compete at the Open, Women or Youth Championships. The winners of the Australian Match Racing Championships will be nominated by Australian Sailing to receive an invite from World Sailing. 

For all enquiries relating to hosting events or World Sailing grading forms please contact Emma Humphries 


Here you will find - 

  • World Sailing Standard Match Racing Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions 

  • Match Racing Race Management Policies 

  • Event Guidelines and the current year’s Grading Documents for Match Racing