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YACHTING QUEENSLAND AGM & General Meeting - 30 October 2018

Published Thu 11 Oct 2018

Please find attached:

  1. Notice of the 2018 YQ AGM – 30th October 2018
  2. 2018 YQ AGM Agenda
  3. 2017 YQ AGM draft Minutes
  4. 2018 Club/Class Delegate Nomination Form
  5. 2018 YQ Board Nomination Form
  6. YQ General Meeting Agenda – 30th October 2018
  7. YQ General Meeting 25th September 2018 draft Minutes

Previously, it has been mentioned that the YQ Board would be proposing changes to the YQ Constitution, including changes to the section relating to fees. I now advise that this will not be taking place at this years AGM or upcoming General Meeting on the 30th October 2018. As the review of the proposed new Club Levy Fee System is still underway and now, with advice received from a legal firm engaged by YQ to review the proposed changes to the YQ Constitution, the YQ Board has agreed to delay any such changes. The YQ President will provide an update on both topics during his report in the General Meeting.

Please RSVP your intentions to attend the meetings direct to me via

If you have any questions or require more information, please contact me.


Ben Callard