Yachting NSW Minutes of Special General Meeting
Published Tue 11 Dec 2018
Board members present: Richard Hudson (President), David Berryman (Vice President), Alister Copley, Tony Kirby, Christian Brook.
In attendance: David Edwards (Australian Sailing)
Clubs (either postal vote, dial in or physically present):
1. Abbotsford 12ft Sailing Club
2. ALLSAIL Sailing Club
3. Belmont 16ft Sailing Club
4. Cruising Yacht Club of Australia
5. Hunters Hill Sailing Club
6. Lake Macquarie Yacht Club
7. Middle Harbour Yacht Club
8. Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club
9. North Harbour Sailing Club
10. Port Stephens Sailing & Aquatic Club
11. RAN Sailing Association
12. Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay
13. Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron
14. Sydney Amateur Sailing Club
15. The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club
Meeting commenced at 1800
1. The Chair welcomed all attendees and noted that there was a quorum present.
2. The Chair advised that as this was a Special General Meeting, the only business was the agenda item listed in the Notice of Meeting, distributed to clubs on 12th November.
3. There were no questions relating to the Explanatory Memorandum.
4. Members present cast their vote on the motion:
THAT the members of Yachting NSW Inc resolve to- Voluntarily cancel the registration of Yachting NSW Incorporated as an Incorporated Association under the Act and transfer the Yachting NSW Inc. surplus cash reserves to Australian Sailing Limited and that if passed, will come into force on the date that appropriate notice is lodged with the NSW Director-General.
5. Votes (including postal votes) were counted. There were 4,644 votes FOR the motion (95.0% of votes cast). There were 244 votes AGAINST the Motion (5.0% of votes cast).
6. The motion was declared PASSED (greater than 75% support).
7. The Chair thanked members for their contribution and support
8. The Chair asked David Edwards (Public Officer) to lodge the required documentation with Fair Trading and action all other requirements to complete the deregistration process.
There being no other business, the meeting was declared closed at 1805.
Download the official minutes below.