
Want more members at your club?

Published Mon 15 Jun 2020

There are many membership drive ideas that range from member referral incentives to giving regatta attendees a country membership purchase option at the time of entry, but there is one that is generally missed across the board that really is a no brainer – a Frequently Asked Questions Page on your website.

Think of your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page as the main hub that your potential members can go to with their questions. It is an integral part of good navigation and the customer journey for most websites. The FAQ page is an organized collection of valuable information that deals with the specifics that your customers ask about your products and services. It should not be static, it should be an evolving record of concerns and interactions. The Frequently Asked Question page is for many people, the second page they go to after the Home or Services pages.

FAQ pages can offer lots of benefits if your club doesn’t already have an FAQ page on your website. It will quickly become the go-to destination for your audience who want to learn more about your club and finding answers to specific questions about your membership, learn to sail, or social activities or club operation. It will:

Improve your customer’s experience.
Provide quick information to help customers make a purchasing decision.
Increase your online visibility on Google and other search engines.
Boost sales since people will have basic information to make a decision.
When used right, your FAQ page can benefit people at different parts of their exploration and remove obstacles on the path to membership. Actively trying to identify questions your site visitors might need answers to will do more than fill up your FAQ page, it will give you deeper insight into their needs, desires and challenges in a way that will positively shape every aspect of your club, from product development to marketing to customer service.

The benefit of answering questions that people are searching for on your website is that potential customers can find your club through their internet travels, and it positively positions your club that really wants to help and provide assistance where they can.

If you haven’t got an FAQ page, here are 5 reasons you should consider adding it to your website.

Question: Why Is An FAQ Page Important For Your Club Website?

Answer: Many web users have come to expect the trusty FAQ page as a way to quickly find out more. Why? Because people are time poor, and want to know what you do and offer quickly, without navigating through pages of existing content or picking up the phone – most people just won’t bother.

Question:  Can a FAQ page help our club website be found on internet searches?

Answer: Since web users ask Google and other search engines millions of questions each day, if your club answers these in a useful and thoughtful way you can capitalise on this search engine traffic.

Question: Where Should I Put My FAQ Section on my website?

Answer: No matter how clear and well-organized your website is, users with questions probably have to browse through a few pages looking for the right answer, which can be annoying for a visitor that just wants a quick answer to an easy question. Make your FAQ page prominent and easy to find on your webpage.

Question:  Can An FAQ page can help users navigate our website.

Answer:  By hyperlinking each answer to the related content for more information, the FAQ can also serve as a way to point them where they need to go—whether that’s learn to sail, membership, or a how to try sailing which they might not have found otherwise.

Question:  How long should my answers be?

Answer: It’s important that FAQ pages aren’t overly long. Visitors want bite sized information that they can quickly digest.

Your content should be easy to scan. You can use bullet points and short paragraphs to help your readers consume your content.
While you should demonstrate authority through the depth of your answers, be sure you’re not losing your audience by giving them more than they need.

Tips For Writing Your FAQ Page

To write a great FAQ page, you will need to know what people are asking most often. Start with a great value point as the “answer” and work backwards to the question. It’s also important to update your FAQ page over time as new opportunities arise to link to other pages from your questions. You can even sprinkle in a little personality with a couple of "fun" questions and answers.

Here are some ideas to help

  • When deciding how to choose the questions you’ll include in your FAQ section, focus on relevancy and opportunities to turn that question into a path to further engagement. Your FAQs should complement information that exists elsewhere on your site.
  • Find common questions by monitoring mentions on social media and emails.
  • Regularly ask your volunteers if they are hearing any new questions from potential members or visitors.
  • Write your questions from your customer's perspective (e.g. "How do I...") and answer from your club's perspective (e.g. "You should..." or "We provide..."). How do I try sailing at your club?
  • Consider how you can strategically raise the right questions to educate people how to get involved with your club.
  • You can overcome misconceptions about sailing and have a non-obvious humble brag about your club
  • Be honest and straightforward with all your answers, even the tough ones. Having valuable solutions will build trust. Your answers to the FAQs should always point back to benefits and value
  • Be sure to double-check your information. Your FAQ sections need to be accurate.
  • If your FAQ page has more than 10 entries, add categories to make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for. Your audience wants to find answers.

If you need a help developing your FAQ page, please have a chat with your Club Services Officer.
