
Victorian Roadmap for reopening

Published Thu 10 Sep 2020

On Sunday the 6th of September the Victorian Premier announced the roadmap out of COVID restrictions for Victoria. Australian Sailing is working with State Government to represent our clubs and allow the resumption of sailing as soon as possible. It is being reported on social media that the following water based activities have been removed from the list of restricted activities in Metro Melbourne (there has been no change to the restrictions in Regional Victoria). However I am still awaiting for official confirmation on this information through the DHHS website:
•    Windsurfing
•    Kite Boarding
•    Stand Up Paddling
•    Kayaking

Members must follow the following guidelines while participating in these activities:
•    People should not travel further than they need to, and should go to the beach, park or waterway closest to their home.
•    You must only exercise for 1 hour per day (2 hours from the 14th of September) and this includes the time it takes you to travel to the activity and back home
•    You must be within 5km of a park/beach/waterway
•    You must go to your nearest park/beach/waterway
•    No Carpooling
•    You can paddle with one other person (Social distancing of 1.5 meters must be maintained throughout)

Following is a summary of steps towards COVID normal. The full outline of the steps can be found below:


Summary of Steps towards COVID Normal:

First Step
Regional Victoria - n/a  (first step only applies to Metro Melbourne).
Metro Melbourne (11:59pm 13 September) - Expanded social interaction.
Second Step
Regional Victoria (11:59pm 13 September)- Social bubbles, visitors and staged return of education.
Metro Melbourne (28 September subject to trigger points and public health advice) - Social bubbles, phased return of some workforces and education.
Third Step
Regional Victoria (subject to trigger points and public health advice)- Increased reopening for sport, recreation, ceremonies and special occasions.
Metro Melbourne (26 October subject to trigger points and public health advice)Major industries return, increased reopening for education, sport, recreation, ceremonies and special occasions.
Last Step
Statewide (23 November subject to trigger points and public health advice)
Increased numbers for gatherings and hospitality.
COVID Normal
Statewide (subject to trigger points and public health advice)
No restrictions for gatherings, visitors, hospitality or sport.
