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Victorian Covid Update - 20th October 2021

Published Wed 20 Oct 2021

The Premier announced the exciting news on the weekend that Victoria has met our 70% double vaccinated numbers early. This information means the easing of restrictions will move forwards from 11.59 pm 21st October.

The only information shared currently is the updated roadmaps (attached). Australian Sailing will receive specific sports information on Friday morning when the RAD’s are released. We aim to share this Friday afternoon.

Additional Changes we know so far

(Metro Melbourne)

  • No restriction on travel within Metro Melbourne
  • Members of metro Melbourne clubs are allowed to access toilets. Change rooms are to remain closed.
  • Training Courses can resume (learn to sail programs, e.g. Tackers, OutThere, Discover Sailing programs)
  • Training courses
    1. Limited to the number required to participate (one parent/guardian may stay to supervise)
    2. Training should only be open to members of your club (no come and try programs)
    3. Must only use outdoor facilities (no indoor training allowed)
  • Members can access equipment from the sheds. In and out, only required people may enter
  • Fully vaccinated members (16+ years) may attend the club for recreational purposes- Outdoor only, DQ4, 50 cap
  • Club Racing Not Permitted
  • Unknown vaccination: no change from the previous stage restrictions

(Regional Victoria)

  • Fully vaccinated members: Indoors DQ4 and 30 caps, outdoors DQ2 and 100 cap
  • Community sport: indoors and outdoors, training only—the minimum number required for the sport.
  • Club Racing Not Permitted
  • Unknown vaccination: no change from the previous stage restrictions


Physical recreation workers have been listed as workers required to be vaccinated. Select workers (including contractors and volunteers) will be required to show evidence of their vaccination to their employer to continue working outside their home.

A physical recreational worker is someone who:

  • works at or in connection with a facility used or partly used for sport, sports racing, or physical recreation
  • who provides personal training (coaching) services


From 22nd October 2021, you need to have received at least your first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (unless you have a medical exemption) to attend work.

From 26th November 2021, you will have received your second dose (unless you have a medical exemption) to attend work.

A frequently asked questions document regarding vaccinations can eb found at the bottom of this page. Australian Sailing will continue to support clubs as required to address this situation.

We are expecting to reach 80% double vaccinated by the 31st of October.
