
Victorian Covid Update - 16th July 2021

Published Fri 16 Jul 2021

As per the premier’s announcement, Victoria is in lockdown from 11.59pm Thursday 15th of July until 11.59pm 20th of July. The intent of this lock down is to restrict unnecessary movement to prevent the spread of the virus.

As the announcement has only just been made, we will not receive the Restricted Activity Directions until tomorrow. I will circulate them once received. The DHHS website have not been updated with this detailed information and FAQs yet – so there will be some qualifications and translations to come.

Further information can be found

What we know

There are only five reasons to leave your home (You must stay within 5km of your home)

  • shopping for necessary goods and services
  • care and caregiving, including medical care or to get a COVID-19 test
  • exercise (maximum of 2hrs a day, with either your household or 1 other person)
  • authorised work and permitted study
  • to get a COVID-19 vaccination..


Can I check if my boat is secure

Yes, this should be incorporated into you 2hr exercise window. Where you live outside of your 5km radius , you should ask a family member/friend to check on your boat during this time and only attend if it is for emergency reasons that cannot be postponed.


Boat maintenance and repairs

Self-maintenance (by a non-authorised worker) and repairs should be postponed unless for emergency reasons.

Further information regarding paid workers still to come


Can I still go sailing?

Boating (including Sailing) and Fishing is outdoor recreation permitted. However, within 5km, within 2 hrs, with a mask, with immediate family or one friend, and without requiring a closed venue to be opened (if you need a key to gain access, then it cannot be used).


Can I access my club room to have a shower?

No club rooms are considered a facility and must not be opened. Come prepared and return home to have a shower.
