

Published Wed 12 Sep 2018

The Boating Industry Association of Victoria today applauded the Liberal National Coalition’s policy announcement for better recreational boating for all Victorians.

The announcement by Liberal Party leader the Hon. Matthew Guy MP and Shadow Minister for Ports the Hon. David Hodgett MP, aptly delivered from Ramp 3 - Launching Way Carrum, was that a coalition government will deliver full return of the $27 million in recreational boater fees annually to a Blue Infrastructure Fund.

The new fund would be supported by an authority with marine infrastructure expertise who would consult with recreational boaters and industry to deliver strategic public boating infrastructure improvements across the State.

“The recreational boating industry stands and applauds this announcement by the Liberal Nationals,” said Steve Walker, CEO of the Boating Industry Association of Victoria.

“Recreational boaters in Victoria are getting a raw deal from the State’s declining boating infrastructure service levels and this is damaging our industry growth and jobs.

“68% of Victorian registered boaters who launch onto Port Phillip or Westernport Bays each year see only 5.2% of the marine licence and vessel registration fees they pay reinvested into better public boating infrastructure on the bays.

“The delivery of improved service levels at public boating facilities will see an enormous economic benefit unlocked and delivered to the Victorian economy. Not just in terms of jobs and economic growth but in liveability for the Victorian community.

“An elected Liberal Nationals Coalition government ‘Blue Infrastructure Fund’ has the potential to generate an extra 2000 FTE positions within the Victorian recreational boating industry through boosted recreational boating participation over the next decade.

“I encourage all recreational boaters and our industry members to consider the LNP policy agenda and to view it as a stamp of approval for the importance of recreational boating to the State of Victoria,’ said Steve Walker.

The Boating Industry Association of Victoria is the peak body for the recreational marine sector and represents and industry worth $4.5 Billion dollars to the Victorian economy and provides more than 17,700 jobs each year.