
VIC News Update

Published Wed 13 Jul 2022

Please see below for the latest update on all VIC news from General Manager - VIC, Meaghan Densley.

Awards - Nominations for the 2022 Australian Sailing Awards have now opened

I would like to personally encourage all clubs to speak with their friends, clubmates, colleagues, and anyone in the sailing community to enable them to submit a nomination for this year’s awards.

Nominations will close at 8 pm AEST on Sunday 31st July 2022, and they can be submitted here:

Nominations are being accepted in the following categories:

Performance Award Categories

  • Male Sailor of the Year
  • Female Sailor of the Year
  • Para Sailor of the Year
  • Youth Sailor of the Year
  • Offshore Sailor of the Year
  • Coach of the Year

Club Award Categories

  • Club of the Year
  • Instructor of the Year
  • Official of the Year
  • Volunteer of the Year

Sport Award Categories

  • SheSails Award
  • Sports Professional Award
  • Sports Promotion Award
  • Sustainability Award

Winners for the Victorian awards will be announced on September the 9th at Sandringham Yacht Club.  Winners from the State Awards will be automatically nominated for the National Awards. 

Conference Feedback 

We hope you enjoyed the Victorian Club Conference. To ensure we are aligning the content of future conferences with your needs, we would appreciate it if you could complete the following short survey regarding your experience here

If you are seeking any content presented throughout the conference, either for yourself or someone unable to attend, please see a copy of the presentations attached.  

In addition, resources and content highlighted throughout the conference can be linked in the conference program here

We hope you enjoyed your time at the 2022 Victorian Club Conference and look forward to connecting with you again soon. If you have any further feedback or questions you would like to discuss with your Australian Sailing Victoria team, please don’t hesitate to contact your allocated Club Support Officer. 

Child Safety Webinar 

Don't miss out! With the new Victorian Child Safe Standards now in effect, register for our free 1-hour webinar this Wednesday on how sports organisations can create culturally safe environments for Aboriginal children and young people:

Rob Hyatt from Koorie Heritage Trust Inc and Georgia Bamblett from Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Ltd will join us as guest speakers.

Latest Grants 11/07/2022

As you will see below, an influx of community grants is currently open. 

Most grants are simple to apply for and take minimal time. However, if you are unsure or would like assistance in your grant application, please do not hesitate to contact the Vic staff directly. 

The Sporting Grants Program

Active Australia Innovation Challenge

  • The Active Australia Innovation Challenge strongly encourages innovative projects that support people who do not meet Australia's Physical Activity Guidelines
  • Funding amount: $10,000
  • Applications open: June 22, 2022
  • Apply here:

Athlete Pathway Travel Grants Program

  • Grants are available towards the costs of travel, accommodation, and registration fees for high-performance athletes and teams representing Victoria, emerging athletes travelling to train, compete and strengthen their development pathways, and coaches or umpires carrying out their official duties.
  • Category 1: Victorian high-performance teams and athletes up to $600
  • Category 2: Emerging Victorian teams, athletes, coaches, and officials
  • Funding amount: up to $2,000
  • Closing date: 08 Aug 2022
  • Apply here:

Emerging Stronger Grants Program

  • (Volunteer capacity) The Victorian Government is providing $1 million in grants to support local partnerships and innovation projects to re-engage volunteers, broaden the volunteer base, and strengthen volunteering in local communities.
  • Organisations may seek funding under one or all of the objectives:
    • Re-engaging volunteers
    • Broadening the volunteer base
    • Strengthening volunteering in the local community
  • Funding amount: Up to $80,000
  • Closing date: 18 July 2022
  • Apply here:

Connecting UP

  • The Connecting Up program supports Australian and New Zealand not-for-profits to build stronger communities through the use of technology; connecting Up supports the sector with donated and discounted IT products and online learning Range of Free and Discounted IT products
  • Closing date: Always open
  • Apply here:

Sports Community - FREE Webinar Training sessions through Australian Sailing

Australian Sailing has engaged Sports Community to deliver exceptional training courses for club volunteers, parents, coaches, and all personnel to make their role in grassroots sports easier. Each webinar series is equally valuable to new and experienced volunteers and has been designed with one goal -to make it as easy as possible for the volunteer to complete their role successfully. Get step-by-step guidance and advice to feel well equipped and confident in your role at your club. Feel supported and satisfied with any task through the Sports Community 3-part webinar series. Run over three weeks and conducted after hours, the remote training session will provide you with the tools and resources to transform your life as a volunteer.

Here's what's involved:

  • Three one-hour training sessions over three weeks, run after hours to suit volunteers
  • Checklists, resources, tips, and advice about the topic
  • Expert advice and discussions with industry professionals
  • Recordings are made readily available to all participants, which are sharable amongst the club
  • Freedom to ask unique questions and gain support during the webinar

When is it happening, and what will be covered?

  • All sessions begin at 7:00 pm AEST time and last one hour.
  • Each topic runs over three weeks.

How to register
If you'd like to register for the sessions above, use the code CLUB SUPPORT, making sure you nominate Australian Sailing as your
sponsored club when checking out for FREE access to these sessions.
Register HERE
