
The Huddle hits the water OutThere Sailing style!

Published Tue 20 Apr 2021

Melbourne’s Albert Park Lake was abuzz with excitement and interest last Friday, as NMFC Huddle Holidays participants were treated to a special OutThere Sailing experience.

The Huddle (the community arm of the North Melbourne Football Club) leverages the power of sport to strengthen social inclusion, education and careers for young people.


On the final day of the Huddle’s Autumn School Holiday over a dozen program participants ventured to The Boatshed where they took part in a tailored OutThere Sailing introductory program.

“It has been great to see them experience a new activity and to get out of their comfort zone,” said Joshua Raymer, The Huddle’s Education Coordinator.

“This experience will help them going forward when they are put in situations where they are trying something new for the first time.”

OutThere Sailing provides a social environment where teenagers can cultivate real friendships with others from their local area, whilst potentially igniting a love for sailing in the process.  Socialisation and fun both on and off the water are paramount; club culture is inclusive of everyone and there is plenty for parents and teenagers to get involved with.

“We are really excited about teenagers enjoying our OutThere Sailing program” Australian Sailing CEO Ben Houston said.  “The program is full of variety for youths and is focussed on fun.  Since we launched it two years ago it has gone from strength to strength as parents recognise that sailing really is a fun, social and confidence building sport.

“It was really cold but it was worth it because it was really fun and I gained a lot of learning and experience,” said Huddle Holidays Youth participant Joy. “I thought it might be hard to learn about sailing stuff, but once you get the hang of it it’s pretty easy!”

Watch The Huddle’s OutThere Sailing experience at the Boatshed via this link.

The Boatshed is Australian Sailing's training centre in Victoria and the largest in Australia, offering introductory experiences and courses for kids, teenagers and adults during the week, at the weekend and during the school holidays.

The OutThere Sailing program is delivered through sailing clubs across the country. For more information head to:

Special thanks to our program partner VicHealth. 

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