
Thanks to the Judge Subject Matter Experts

Published Mon 29 Nov 2021

Australian Sailing would like to thank the Judges whose contribution was essential to develop the new Judge Policy released in 2021. Thanks to their valuable collaboration, the new Judge Policy substantially facilitates accreditation for entry-level judges and improves the overall judge quality to positively benefit our sailing community.

The Judge Subject Matter Experts that contributed to this project included:

  • Damien Boldyrew
  • Steven Hatch
  • John Standley
  • Ben Fels
  • Nicholas Hutton
  • Murray Jones

The project involved the creation of:

  • A new Policy stating the key details to accredit and reaccredit as a judge.
  • A new free of charge e-learning, to accredit as an entry-level Protest Committee Member.
  • New Practical Assessments by which:
    • Judge candidates can be evaluated whilst performing their role for performance feedback, accreditation or reaccreditation purposes.
    • Assessors can provide consistent evaluations and return quality feedback to candidates.
  • New Regional and National level seminars to improve candidate experience and knowledge at courses.
  • New Regional and National level exams to assess candidate knowledge.

Click HERE to read more about the new Judge Policy.

Australian Sailing is extremely grateful to the above Subject Matter Experts for sharing their knowledge, experience and time to make this project possible -  thank you All.
