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Tasmanian Restrictions – Stage Two

Published Thu 04 Jun 2020

Tasmanian Restrictions – Stage Two – 3pm 5th June 2020

  • No competition allowed
  • Training for single and double handed sailing allowed in small groups of not more than 20 participants (excluding coaches/staff) with adequate spacing (not more than 1 person per 4m2)
  • Social distancing of 1.5m required at all times whilst ashore and onboard power/rescue boats. Accidental contact may occur during double handed sailing (i.e. working together to tack, gybe or round a mark is acceptable).

What does this mean for our sailing clubs during Stage Two?

  • Get in, Sail and get out
  • Outdoor activities only
  • Limit activities to small individual groups with a maximum of 20 participants (exclusive of coaches and support staff)
  • Practice good hand hygiene before and after sailing
  • Avoid physical contact
  • Changerooms, canteens and kitchens should remain closed – arrive dressed and ready to sail
  • Stay home if you are unwell
  • Don’t share drinks or towels
  • Sharing of equipment should be avoided and if necessary, should be kept to a minimum
  • Keep a distance of 1.5 metres where reasonably practicable
  • Follow the one person per 4 square metres rule ashore to ensure sufficient physical distancing between people
  • It’s recommended clubs maintain an attendance record
  • Encourage the use of COVIDSafe App to members


What boating is allowed in Tasmania during Stage Two?


  • Max 2 people
  • Accidental contact may occur
  • Groups of up to 20 people (excluding coaches & support staff)
  • Training only

Rescue / Coach Boats

  • Max 2 people
  • Physical distancing required

Sports Boats / Trailable Yachts

  • Max 2 people
  • Accidental contact may occur
  • Groups of up to 20 people (excluding coaches & support staff) eg. 10 boats
  • Training only


  • Max 2 people (if safe to operate)
  • Accidental contact may occur
  • Groups of up to 20 people (excluding coaches & support staff) eg. 10 boats
  • Training only

Racing / Regattas

  • NO, competition not permitted

Day Cruising

Overnight Cruising


Can clubs deliver racing and organised club events during Stage Two?

NO, TRAINING ONLY – Racing and competition is not permitted during Stage Two. Indoor areas should not be used for any sporting activity.  

    • Training groups are limited to 20 people (excluding coach/support personnel)
    • Clubs need to conduct a risk assessment and have a Covid-19 return to sport plan
    • Clubs need to abide by Public Health Orders & WorkSafe Minimum Standards


Can clubs deliver face to face courses during Stage Two?

YES – Training is permitted, including Discover Sailing Programs.

    • Training groups are limited to 20 people (excluding coach/support personnel)
    • Indoor facilities should remain closed (sailors arrive dressed, briefings outside or virtually)
    • Powerboat Courses can resume, physical distancing required at all times
    • Clubs need to conduct a risk assessment and have a Covid-19 return to sport plan
    • Clubs need to abide by Public Health Orders & WorkSafe Minimum Standards


Is coaching permitted during Stage Two?


    • Training groups are limited to 20 people (excluding coach/support personnel)
    • Indoor facilities should remain closed (sailors arrive dressed, briefings outside or virtually)
    • Clubs need to conduct a risk assessment and have a Covid-19 return to sport plan
    • Clubs need to abide by Public Health Orders & WorkSafe Minimum Standards

