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Tasmanian Institute of Sport to hold career guidance workshop

Published Fri 10 May 2019

A free workshop ‘Embracing Opportunities in the Workforce’, developed by the TIS is in Launceston and Hobart.

The workshops, developed by the Athlete Wellbeing and Engagement Program at the Tasmanian Institute of Sport, are aimed at parents and athletes currently attending years 10 – 12, at university, or undertaking a gap year.

The presenters look to shake up the perception of career guidance focusing on three key areas:
1/ How careers have changed – Planning the future through opportunities
2/ Athletes Well-being, life balance, generation gaps, and development
3/ The role as a parent – how you can be involved in guiding your athlete when making choices

The sessions are on at:
Date: 17 June 2019
Time: 6-7.30pm
Venue: TIS Silverdome

Date: 18 June 2019
Time: 6-7.30pm
Venue: Tasmanian Hockey Centre

You can register by clicking on this link:
