
Survey – The ‘Sailing Participant Pathway’

Published Tue 05 Dec 2023

Australian Sailing is seeking feedback on how we can visually represent our sport effectively in a concise, one-page format through the development of a 'Sailing Participant Pathway.' 

A participant pathway describes a continuum that begins with the initial acquisition of movement skills and extends to lifelong engagement and proficiency. Participants navigate the pathway, entering, leaving, progressing, or remaining at a particular stage based on factors such as ability, maturation, interest, opportunities, personal circumstances, and goals. 

While Australian Sailing has traditionally portrayed the sailing participant pathway in a linear manner here, we know that an individual's journey is dynamic. Participants may be involved at various stages simultaneously, exploring different disciplines, and throughout their involvement in the sport, take on various roles such as officials, coaches, instructors, committee members, or other volunteer positions within their club or class association.  

We invite you to share your thoughts on how we can best illustrate a comprehensive sailing participant pathway that reflects all forms, stages, and roles of sailing participation by taking a moment to complete this brief survey here. 

Some examples of how other sports have depicted their pathways can be seen via the links below: 

  1. Hockey Australia Pathway 

  1. RYA Performance Pathway 

  1. Cricket Victoria Player Pathway 
