
Sport Australia launches new club planning tool

Published Wed 10 Feb 2021

Sport Australia's Game Plan is a digital platform solution designed to support sporting clubs of all sizes with valuable insights into their strategic and operational capabilities and provide access to specific tools and resources to build and support ongoing development. 

As a previous user of Club Health Check (CHC) you are invited to explore and sign up to Sport Australia’s Game Plan as CHC will be decommissioned from December 2020. This is a once off communication to your organisation regarding this solution change.  Sport Australia will not use your email for any other communication or future purpose.

The new product is a single digital platform that brings together best practice resources across the sector with support from clubs, NSOs, State and Territory Organisations (SSOs) and State and Territory Agencies for Sport and Recreation (STASR).  

The platform provides: 
•    Customer-centric design offering richer, smarter functionality including personalised assessments and information that consider the priorities and maturity level of an organisation.  
•    Assessable areas of operational and strategic performance providing reliable realistic assessments of capability and needs. 
•    Customised action plans and resources to equip users with information and resources to deliver meaningful and targeted improvement in areas prioritised by their organisation.  

Sport Australia's Game Plan allows you to self-assess and plan for the maturity level of your entity through each organisational module. We recommend completing the four foundation modules first.

Check out the promotional video for some of the benefits and how sports are reacting to this new resource:
