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Science of Sailing

Published Tue 24 Mar 2020

The pre-primary students of St Dominic’s School had a change of location from the science room to the field. The Science of Sailing is a new initiative where the 5 year-old’s were engaged in the full sailing experience. The students were particularly interested in a story called 'Who sank the boat?' by Pamela Allen and the subsequent floating and sinking activities they did in class.

This led to the idea that the students could each try to make a boat that could float. Rather than just looking at pictures. So, Mrs Michelle Martin from St Dominic's School conceived an idea and with the help of Jimmy Pontre of Western Australian Nautical Initiatives, Australian Sailing WA coaches Jenn and Scott instructed the successful pilot program.

To help students build their own floating toy boat the students have been learning about the ways in which objects move; push, pull, and float. (that can float!). The students loved sitting in the boat, pulling the mainsheet and steering the boat with the rudder like a future skipper!

“Jenn was fantastic with the kids and they were so engaged for the whole time, getting in and out of the boat, learning the names of the different parts, feeling the different materials the boat is made of and learning how these help the boat to stay afloat” Mrs Martin said. “It was such a great opportunity for them and one I’m sure they will remember” she concluded.

The hands-on learnings were exponentially more beneficial than simply showing the students a picture. Huge thankyou goes to all involved including Claremont Yacht Club who provided one of their Optimist boats for the day. Teachers and students are already really looking forward to seeing the end result and the next out of the classroom session.
