
Save the date for Inverloch Classic Wooden Dinghy Regatta 2019

Published Thu 29 Nov 2018

The Inverloch Classic Wooden Dinghy Regatta has again been scheduled for the Australia Day Weekend in January. Hosted by South Gippsland YC the event has grown to become the largest event of its type in Australia and would seem to be responsible for the resurgence of a number of classic classes including the Sailfish and Gwen 12. The regatta provides the incentive for owners of wooden dinghies of all types and condition to drag their beloved craft out of the shed and join other like-minded enthusiasts for sailing activities and beach displays. Vessels can be entered ‘as is’ or in many cases are fully restored demonstrating beautiful timber work and craftsmanship.

As a point of interest in 2019 the regatta will be celebrating Jack Holt designs which include the Heron, Mirror and Miracle among others. Holt boats were highly significant to Australian sailing as they provided ready access to the sport. Many Mirrors for example, were constructed by home enthusiasts in garages or lounge rooms and were an ideal small, safe boat for families to take along on their beach holidays. We hope to see many fine examples of Jack Holt boats among the fleet at Inverloch in January.

For entry and further details go to
