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Sandringham Yacht Club (SYC) - keeping their community together

Published Fri 10 Apr 2020

As clubs around Australia look for new ways to engage with their members, we want to bring to you the positive things some are doing to adapt in these rapidly changing times.  One such club is Sandringham Yacht Club (SYC) who have been responding quickly and doing what they can to keep their community together.

When restrictions began in mid-March the club rolled out a large scale offering for their members and the local community.  The first wave of new business for the club included takeaway meals prepared by their kitchen team.  In the first six days of operation they dispensed over 3000 meals.  

“As a Member based organisation, the lifeblood of Sandringham Yacht Club are our Members and right now, more than ever, your club needs your full and ongoing support.” Commodore Ashley Trebilcock said in a video update to members filmed on his boat in the marina.  “We want every SYC Member to remain an SYC Member.”

The club called for volunteers to help with home delivery and were inundated with offers from members to drive the food to those that weren’t about the leave their homes.  Their takeaway service also extended to alcohol with members using the makeshift bottle shop as a way to support their club. 

Once further restrictions were put in place the club had to cease their takeaway operations.  “Due to social distancing back of house, we closed it down as I deem my staff safety too important to risk,” SYC CEO Richard Hewett said.  “As soon as we can, we will reintroduce it.  When the supermarkets were really struggling with meat supplies, we asked our meat supplier to home deliver to our members.  He continues to do that a few weeks later and he wrote me a beautiful letter saying it has kept his family business afloat, keeping six staff employed for the last two weeks.”

Update: Sandringham have now reopened their takeaway service and it is available to non members.  For more information call 9599 0999 between 10am and 4pm.

“We have also been ringing our Members and checking in, offering to do their shopping, pick up medicines and the like,” Hewett said.  “Some members are staying at home or are in other states so we are closely checking in on their boats, doing general checks, cleaning etc.  We have lots more instore for our Members over the coming weeks.”

The club has encouraged members who own businesses to join their SYC Community page to allow members to support each other.  “We’ve got fruit and vegetable deliveries happening, wine and cheese and lots of other offers being made by members for members.  The club is not involved financially but we are facilitating the service.  It’s keeping us connected,” Hewett said.

SYC members Radio and television personality John Deeks and active Victorian sailing community member George Shaw have joined forces to start a podcast recorded on board in the marina.  It includes member interviews, club updates and other entertainment.  You can listen to the podcast here.

Hewett was proud of how his members were looking out for others and finished by saying, “Like all, we are significantly affected but we are a very resilient club and have been for our entire 109 year existence. We have endured two world wars and survived an economic depression, several recessions, two devastating fires, numerous storms and some unfortunate accidents. And whilst we find ourselves in stormy, unchartered waters it is our very loyal Membership that are coming to the fore that will get us through this – as they have always done for their club.”
