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Relaxation of COVID-19 Restrictions – Queensland

Published Fri 01 May 2020

Starting on the 2nd May 2020, some Queensland COVID-19 restrictions will be eased.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has announced Queenslanders will be able to enjoy some relief from stay-at-home rules and:

  • Go for a drive;
  • Ride a motorbike, jetski or boat for pleasure;
  • Have a picnic; 
  • Visit a national park; and
  • Shop for non-essential items

But there are three conditions that apply linked to the above:

  • Social distancing (1.5m) and hygiene must be maintained
  • You must stay within 50km of home and
  • Outings are limited to members of the same household or an individual and one friend

All other rules including gatherings and limits on visitors remain in place during this time.

What does this now mean for sailing and our sailing clubs?

  • Recreational sailing is now allowed (Rafting up is not permitted as it would break social distancing and requirements and gatherings are still not permitted.).
  • Sailing for exercise continues to remain a permitted activity. 
  • Access to marinas is allowable
  • Access to fuel sales is allowable
  • Food and beverage facilities are not permitted. 

What vessels can we sail?

  • Yachts – Yes, provided you remain within 50km of your home; social distancing and hygiene is maintained the people on board are from the same household; or an individual and one friend and. 
  • Dinghies – Yes, provided you remain within 50km of your home; social distancing and hygiene is maintained; the people on board are from the same household; or an individual and one friend 
  • Windsurfing – Yes, provided you remain within 50km of your home; social distancing and hygiene is maintained the people on board are from the same household; or an individual and one friend and. 
  • Kiteboarding – Yes, provided you remain within 50km of your home; social distancing and hygiene is maintained the people on board are from the same household; or an individual and one friend and. 
  • Powerboats – Yes, provided you remain within 50km of your home; social distancing and hygiene is maintained; the people on board are from the same household or an individual and one friend.

How many people can I have on board?

You are permitted to have the members of your household on board,
One friend on board. 

Can clubs deliver racing and organised events?

No. The national cabinet is working on guidelines for when and how community sport can resume.
As the rules on gathering and limits of visitors remain in place organised events and club racing are not allowable. This includes, for example:

  • Club races (including for single handed or short-handed fleets)
  • State or Regional championships
  • Twilight/ social racing
  • WAGS / SAGS type events etc 

Can clubs deliver courses or programs?

As the rules on gathering and limits of visitors remain in place, courses and programs are not allowable. This includes, for example:

  • Learn to sail courses
  • Instructor/officials courses
  • Squad based programs
  • Information nights
  • Social activities 

Is coaching permitted?

Yes. Provided you remain within 50km of your home and the members on board are of the same household or an individual and one friend and social distancing and hygiene is maintained.

Can Clubs promote, encourage, and facilitate Sailing?

Yes. Clubs can promote, encourage, and facilitate sailing for recreation and exercise. Clubs must ensure they are communicating the requirements for all to meet the three conditions that apply:

  • Social distancing and hygiene must be maintained
  • You must stay within 50km of home and
  • Outings are limited to members of the same household or an individual and one friend

Clubs have a responsibility to ensure members comply with these conditions whilst on club premises. 

If you do not believe your club can make reasonable measures to ensure these conditions are complied with Australian Sailing recommends you wait until these measures are lifted before allowing activities on your club’s premises. 

Further guidance for Sport

The return to “normal” club activities and the re-start of sport nationally is under consideration. 

The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison on APRIL 24, 2020 said health experts will release guidance on how to make professional and community sport safe.

“That is such an important part of our way of life here in Australia,” Mr Morrison said of sport. “And the principles that can help guide decisions by states and territories in the future.”

The guidelines are divided into three levels:

  • Elite/professional athletes and codes
  • Community competitive sport
  • Individual passive sport (surfing, hiking etc)

Australian Sailing continues to work with Sport Australia, the federal minister for sport and state authorises, as well as attending all relevant briefings from federal and state departments. We expect further guidance to be released over the next few weeks and we will inform the sailing community of the impacts of any decisions and return to play measures. 

If you have any questions, please contact your Club Services Officer or Regional Manager Ben Callard on 0417 053 015 or .

Links to resources:
