
Queensland Stage 3 Industry COVID Safe Plans Updates

Published Tue 28 Jul 2020

We are pleased to advise the proposed amendments to the COVID Safe Plans for the sport, recreation and fitness industry have now been approved by the Chief Health Officer and are available on the Return to Play website.

As you may be aware, the department worked with industry and Queensland Health to update all approved Industry COVID Safe Plans to reflect that Industry Framework for Events. As outlined in the Framework, events organised and run by sport, fitness or active recreation organisations/ providers complying with an approved COVID Industry Safe Plan do not require any additional approvals. However, it is important that organisations and providers consider and apply as appropriate the event specific public health strategies contained within the Framework to ensure the appropriate risk management strategies are in place for any event that will be held.

In addition, the Chief Health Officer approved the revised definition of “field of play” which now extends to incorporate change rooms and marshalling areas, etc. specifically required for training and competing. The extension of the field of play allows the full team and required coaching / medical officials to use the facilities without occupant density requirements, provided there is no mixing of teams and no other persons (i.e. spectators) are in with active participants.

A further amendment to the plans has been made in relation to contact information as follows; where a mobile application is used to manage collection of contact information:

  • the club or business validates for itself that the application is able to provide contact information immediately (or at least within the hour on request); and
  • the club or business ensures that patrons/players use the application when entering the venue.

These changes will assist us to continue to return to play in a safe manner.

In addition on Friday, the Public Health Direction on Restrictions on Businesses was updated. The main changes to be aware of are:

  • Patrons must be seated when drinking and dining-in.
    • This restriction will apply to all businesses that serve food and drink, including (but not limited to) retail food services (such as cafes and restaurants), licensed premises (such as hotels, clubs, pubs and nightclubs) and casinos, gaming or gambling venues.
  • Indoor and outdoor events may operate in compliance with an Approved Plan other than a COVID Safe Event Plan (such as an Industry Plan or Site Specific Plan), provided the Approved Plan covers all facets of the event.
    • Organisers of events that are larger than 500 people and operating under an existing Industry or Site Specific plan must notify Public Health Units of the event a minimum of ten days before the event.
    • Alternatively, events may operate in accordance with the COVID Safe Event Framework (that is, a COVID Safe Event Checklist for up to 500 people or a COVID Safe Event Plan approved by the relevant Public Health Authorities, depending on the size of the event).

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Ben Callard on
