
Queensland COVID Safe Sailing – STAGE 3

Published Fri 03 Jul 2020

From Friday 3rd July 2020 the Stage 3 requirements under the Queensland Government’s “Roadmap to easing Queensland’s restrictions - A step-down approach to COVID-19” will take effect. Australian Sailing welcomes these relaxations and thanks the Queensland Government for providing the framework. 

The framework states, commencing from 12noon on Friday 3rd July:

  • Sport, recreation, and fitness organisations when following a COVID Safe Industry Plan
    • resumption of activity including competition and physical contact is permitted on the field of play 
    • indoor sports facilities can open with one person per 4 square metres (off the field of play) 
    • outdoor sports facilities can open with physical distancing (off the field of play).
  • COVID Safe Industry Plans continue to apply with revisions to reflect changes in Stage 3. COVID Safe Checklists continue to apply
  • The Industry COVID Safe Plans completed to date will remain largely unchanged, however any changes made for Stage 3 will be guided by the following Principles:
    • Contact 
      Full contact is permitted on the Field of Play similar to pre-COVID contact activities. At all other times, participants, coaches, officials, trainers and spectators are to observe social distancing requirements and undertake sound hygiene practices (i.e. sanitations) as detailed in the relevant approved Industry COVID Safe Plan. 
    • Facility capacity 
      The total number of people to attend training, competition and events is to be based on the social distancing standard of one person per four-square metres. Group segmentation and buffer zones will be used to limit co-mingling. Risks will also be managed through mandatory record keeping, which could include the use of technology (e.g. movement tracking apps, ticket purchasing)
    • Facility usage
      All elements of community sport, recreation and fitness facilities to be accessible in line with relevant health guidelines and directives. Including revenue generation activities (i.e. canteens) to resume and use of all facilities required for training and competition (change rooms). 
    • Events
      Activities are to resume including championships, markets, carnivals and gala days. The total number of people allowed to attend an event will be based on the social distancing standard of one person per four-square metres. Whole of Government event principles are to be applied in addition to measures to reduce co-mingling between groups. 
    • Stadia
      Crowds to return to stadia with strict social distancing measures and hygiene practices remaining central to COVID Safe Plans for stadia, in line with Public Health Directives. Crowd capacity will be limited and based on the social distancing standard of one person per four-square metres. Group segmentation and buffering measures will be used to reduce co-mingling. 
    • Industry COVID Safe Plans
      All activity is to be conducted in accordance with relevant Industry and Stadia COVID Safe Plans and Public Health Directives. This includes organisations detailing how all persons at the activity/facility will be tracked, and traced, including spectators.

These principles will be applied using the Sport Operations and Facility Operations tables included within the Industry Plan.  Click here for a copy of the Aquatic Industry Plan.


  • Social distancing, 1.5 metres and hygiene
  • Stay at home if you’re sick 
  • Tracking, tracing, rapid response 
  • Frequent cleaning and disinfection

For Stage 3 (3rd July): Summary

If your club has adopted the Aquatic Sport Industry Plan all sailing and club-based activities can resume. Strict social distancing, hygiene and contact tracing information collection requirements remain in place. Events and regattas can now resume. If you are looking to host an event with over 500 people you will be required to meet further expectations (which can be found here).

Club Requirements for Stage 3 (3rd July)

For clubs to adopt the Industry Plan and be able to conduct activities under the industry plan you will need to meet the following requirements:

  1. All Clubs officially opting into the Aquatic Sport Industry Plan are required to print, sign and display the Industry COVID Safe Plan Statement of Compliance at all venues and during all Club based activities. 
    • To download the Statement of Compliance certificate please click here
  2. All Clubs shall adopt, implement, and adhere to the operational requirements from the Industry Plan. 
  3. All Clubs shall complete the check Covid-Safe Plan Checklist that appears at the back of the Aquatic Industry Plan and keep on record.
    • I encourage your club committee to sign and date this document and keep a record as evidence towards the club’s implementation for risk management purposes.
    • I encourage your club committee to repeat this process at an agreed set of intervals (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) and sign and date and keep a record as evidence of your clubs ongoing compliance and review process.
  4. Clubs shall add to their Workplace Health and Safety Plan their requirements to manage COVID-19. 
  5. Clubs shall add to their risk management plans their requirements to manage COVID-19 related matters.
  6. All clubs shall have a designated COVID Safety Officer. (online training available here)

Also, of importance is the requirement to comply with the following key conditions:

  • Physical distancing to be maintained by all workers, members, participants and visitors, unless otherwise specified in the Industry Plan.
  • An area of 4 square meters per person is to be maintained at all times, unless otherwise specified in the Industry Plan.
  • Hand and respiratory hygiene are to be encouraged.
  • Frequent environmental cleaning and disinfecting must be maintained.
  • Workers, members, participants and visitors who have symptoms related to COVID-19 must be excluded from the site
  • Contact information must be kept for all workers, members, participants and visitors for contact tracing purposes, including name, address and mobile phone number for a period of at least 56 days.
  • Education of club members, volunteers, participants and staff around good health hygiene behaviours and requirements 
  • Education around the use of shared facilities 
  • Preparation of club environment and facilities to minimise possible transmission

Many of these requirements are stipulated and explained within the COVID Industry Plan.

What does this now mean for sailing and our sailing clubs?

  • Recreational sailing continues to be a permitted activity. 
  • Sailing for exercise continues to remain a permitted activity. 
  • Conduct of racing and regattas are now permitted.
  • Food and beverage may open under COVID Safe Checklists.  (Canteens can operate).
  • Club houses may be used.

What vessels can we sail?

  • Yachts – Yes
  • Dinghies - Yes
  • Windsurfing- Yes
  • Kiteboarding- Yes
  • Powerboats - Yes

How many people can I have on board?

While racing or participating in club organised events – crew as required to safely operate the vessel.

Cruising or recreationally sailing – limited to 1 person per 4 square meters and vessel capacity requirements. 

Can clubs deliver racing and organised events?

Can clubs deliver courses or programs?

Is on-water coaching permitted?

Can Clubs promote, encourage, and facilitate Sailing?

More information will be presented and provided to clubs as it becomes available. 

Further guidance for Sport

If you have any questions, please contact your Club Services Officer or Regional Manager Ben Callard on 0417 053 015 or .

Links to resources: