
Queensland Community Sport Survey: Impact of COVID-19 as at August 2020

Published Wed 19 Aug 2020

COVID-19 has impacted and continues to impact thousands of community sport and recreation clubs and organisations across Queensland in a range of ways.

In May and June, the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) carried out a survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 on community sport across Australia. Since that time clubs and organisations in Queensland have returned to play and may be now experiencing similar or different impacts from COVID-19 .  To assist in identifying and measuring these changing/emerging impacts, Sport and Recreation, in partnership with key industry organisations, has modified the ASF survey and would appreciate your club/organisation completing it.

The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Your responses and information provided (including any commercial in confidence or confidential information) will be used by the department to provide advice to government, and determine appropriate government responses and support in relation to COVID-19.  

The department may share your responses, organisation’s details and information with other State and Commonwealth Government agencies, with the department’s contractors (who will be required to keep the information confidential) and with other industry peak bodies for the purposes of providing advice to the department in relation to a Queensland Government COVID-19 response.

Your responses and information will otherwise be treated by the department as confidential. 

The department may collate the information received through this process and publicly release or publish data and statistics in an aggregate and non-identifiable form.

The survey will close on midnight 27 August 2020.
