
QLD COVID UPDATE - Approved Aquatic Industry Plan

Published Fri 05 Jun 2020

Australian Sailing is pleased to advise that our Aquatic Industry Sport Sector Plan has now been approved by State Government and appears on the State Government website:

This means club organised sailing can resume (including double handed and yacht sailing). A relaxation of the 1.5m social distancing requirement has been approved while participating in sporting activities. It has also been approved for venues with suitable space to have multiple groups of 20 participate at the same time but separated by physical barriers and there must not be any co-mingling. Gathers of more then 20 people are not permitted. 

Stage 2 (1st June) is for training and club organised activities including learn to sail. Groups limited to 20 people. No regattas. 
Stage 3 (10th July) permits racing and regattas to resume. Limits on number of participants still apply.

Please ensure you read all the information and seek to understand and comply with the requirements. If you are unsure, please contact me or your Club Services Officer. 

For clubs to adopt the Industry Plan and be able to conduct activities under the industry plan you will need to meet the following requirements:

  1. All Clubs officially opting in to the Aquatic Industry Sport Sector Plan are required to print, sign and display the Industry COVID Safe Plan Statement of Compliance at all venues and during all Club based activities. To download the Statement of Compliance certificate please click here
  2. All Clubs shall adopt, implement and adhere to the operational requirements from the Industry Plan. 
  3. All Clubs shall complete the check Covid-Safe Plan Checklist that appears at the back of the Aquatic Industry Plan and keep on record.
    1. We encourage your club committee to sign and date this document and keep a record as evidence towards the clubs implementation for risk management purposes.
    2. We encourage your club committee to repeat this process at an agreed set of intervals (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) and sign and date and keep a record as evidence of your clubs ongoing compliance and review process.
  4. Clubs shall add to their Workplace Health and Safety Plan their requirements to manage COVID-19. Refer to the relevant pages of the attached WHS Qld Covd-19 Overview and Guide.
  5. Clubs shall add to their risk management plans their requirements to manage COVID-19 related matters.
  6. All clubs shall have a designated COVID Safety Officer. 

Also, of particular importance is the requirement to comply with the following key conditions:

  1. Physical distancing to be maintained by all workers, members, participants and visitors, unless otherwise specified in the Industry Plan.
  2. An area of 4 square meters per person is to be maintained at all times, unless otherwise specified in the Industry Plan.
  3. Hand and respiratory hygiene is to be encouraged.
  4. Frequent environmental cleaning and disinfecting must be maintained.
  5. Workers, members, participants and visitors who have symptoms related to COVID-19 must be excluded from the site
  6. Contact information must be kept for al workers, members, participants and visitors for contact tracing purposes, including name, address and mobile phone number for a period of at least 56 days.

Please find further information here:

For more information from Queensland Sport and Rec please visit their website.

Please note that penalties for non-compliance still apply. Compliance checks will be carried out. We encourage all clubs to take a socially responsible leadership role and look to do the right thing at all times. We trust that all clubs will aim to be leaders in this space and provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all members, guests, volunteers and participants.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Australian Sailing Regional Manager Ben Callard at
