
Q4 Report - Participation Numbers 2020-21

Published Thu 09 Sep 2021

Participation across the nation has been extremely pleasing for this last financial year. Membership numbers have remained steady and our Discover Sailing Centres have increased course participation by 10% overall, which is fantastic!

All states, across the country (excluding VIC) have increased their participation, in some instances, exponentially. With Victoria unfortunately experiencing greater lockdowns due to COVID-19 there has been an expected decline in their participation numbers.

Based on timing, Discover Sailing Day(s) did not take place in many states, hence the decline and our emerging program, OutThere Sailing, which many Victorian Centres were adopting well, has also taken a hit based on extended lockdowns.

A special mention to our Top 3 Discover Sailing Centres:

  1. Hillarys Yacht Club, WA - with 1,402 participants
  2. Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, QLD - with 1,321 participants
  3. Canberra Yacht Club, ACT - with 1,300 participants

Congratulations to these Centres, and all other Centres for contributing to this incredible 10% growth across the Australian Sailing learn to sail (and powerboat) programs. We thank you all for introducing the next wave of sailors to our amazing sport.

As mentioned, membership remains steady, which is amazing considering the year we've had and SailPass continues to grow in popularity as an introductory membership for newcomers.

We look forward to continuing to work with our accredited Centres, many of whom are affiliated Clubs, to continue this growth in this upcoming season.

In terms of these quarterly participation reports, if you have feedback or questions, especially around information that you'd like to see in next year's reports, please don't hesitate to contact

Click here or the below image to read the full Q4 Report. 
