
Post COVID-19 Community Sports Forum

Published Wed 06 May 2020

This coming Friday Play By The Rules are hosting the first Post COVID-19 Community Sports Forum - a live streamed event designed to help in the rebuilding of community sport post COVID-19. There's quite a lot of events happening across the country as sports gear up for a return to action, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Play By The Rules are doing their bit to help with this live streamed online event you can find out more about here -

The Forum will be around 30 minutes only with short presentations and thoughts from Dr Bridie O'Donnell (Head of the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation) and ABC sport journalist Paul Kennedy.

You can leave comments and questions as the Forum will be live streamed to YouTube. You don't have to register - you can just join us on the day - but registering will help us keep you up-to-date with this and future Forums.
