
NSW Sailors - Please maintain social distancing

Published Wed 15 Jul 2020

Please see some important information below from the NSW Office of Sport in which they have requested is sent to all participants in community sport in NSW

COVID Safe Community Sport

With the recommencement of community sport, it is essential that clubs and associations remain vigilant in implementing your COVID-19 Safety Plans and adhering to the Public Health Orders. The return to training and competition for sailing and other community sports by people of all ages was welcomed across New South Wales.

Unfortunately, recent media articles and photos show that some sporting clubs, associations and sport facility operators in various sports are not adhering to the very clear social distancing regulations that are part of Public Health Order No. 4 (issued 30 June 2020). Within sailing, there have been posts to social media with photos over the last couple days showing breaches occuring within some sailing club activities.


All clubs are reminded of the following key points:

  • If your sailing activity has more than 20 participants (including people taking part, spectators and officials), your organisation must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan
  • Clubs and associations are to ensure that their COVID-19 Safety Plan is adhered to throughout all activities. This plan can be asked to be seen at any stage by the NSW Police.
  • Physical distancing of 1.5m is to be maintained at all times when not taking part in training or racing. This may include the need to:
    • Space out seating around club rooms.
    • When onboard within the cockpit of the a yacht when not racing maintain the physical distancing of 1.5m where reasonable practicable.
    • Practice physical distancing during team huddles/briefings before, during and after sessions.
    • Ensure there is physical distancing between activities
    • Remind spectators (parents etc) not from the same household to practice physical distancing; and
    • Ensure queues for common areas such as canteens and change rooms allow for physical distancing.
  • Avoid physical contact for celebrantions and other achievements at training and after racing, such as high fives, handshakes and hugs.
  • Ensure you have record keeping protocols in place - where possible have these in a digital format that can be easily provided if requried.

Physical (Social) distancing between individuals at community sporting events MUST be 1.5m – this includes all spectators.

Failure to adhere to social distancing may cause an immediate review of community sport activity by the Government.

  • Physical distancing is only relaxed for:
    • Participants who are training or competing on the 'field' of play
    • Family members from the same household;
    • When medical attention is required.

COVID-19 Safety Plan

A COVID-19 Safety Plan is mandatory and must be kept at the venue / clubhouse with the Duty Officer aware of its location for access and inspection by an authorised officer if required. If you do not have a NSW Government approved COVID-19 Safety Plan, please click here

Do not hesitate to contact Australian Sailing if any further assistance can be provided. ..... and PLEASE – maintain social distancing.

For information and updates, please refer to: Australian Sailing Covid-19 Page -


Useful resources for Clubs

Current NSW Public Health Orders
NSW Office of Sport COVID-19 Page
Australian Sailing Covid-19 Page
Return to Sailing Covid Advice on Hygiene in the Sailing Environment
Return to Sport COVID-19 Safety Plan Template
COVID Safe Club Registration
AusSport Detailed Checklist for Medium/Large Clubs
AusSport Simplified Checklist for Small Clubs
AusSport Contact Tracing Template Contact Tracing Option
SailConnect Contact Tracing Option
Club COVID-19 Posters and Resources

