
Play by the Rules - COVID-19 Awareness mini-course

Published Tue 02 Jun 2020

Introducing the Play By the Rules COVID-19 Awareness mini-course. While there is a lot of information about COVID-19 available online, this mini-course could help you and the volunteers in your club/association gain a basic understand of the virus and what you can do to prevent its spread. Until a vaccine is found and generally available, COVID-19 will be a part of our lives. As restrictions are eased it's possible that awareness of COVID-19 will decline, thus opening up the possibility of the virus re-emerging. This awareness course is an easy way to remind you of the importance of maintaining good practices to prevent further spreading of COVID-19.    

At the conclusion of this mini-course you will:

  • have a better understanding of what COVID-19 is, how it spreads, what the symptoms are, who is at risk, and
  • understand the actions and preventative measures you can take to protect yourself and the community.
