
Play by the Rules

Published Mon 11 Dec 2023

Play By The Rules

Did you know that Play by the Rules (PBTR) is a unique collaboration between Sport Integrity Australia, Sport Australia, the Australian Human Rights Commission, all state and territory departments of sport and recreation, all state and territory anti-discrimination and human rights agencies, the Office of the Children's Guardian (NSW) and the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW? This makes it the first port of call for sailing organisations for information on discrimination, harassment, and child protection in sport!

Play by the Rules provides information, resources, tools, and free online training to increase the capacity and capability of administrators, coaches, officials, players, parents, and spectators to assist them in preventing and dealing with discrimination, harassment, child safety, inclusion, and integrity issues in sport.

The monthly PBTR newsletter often has a focus hot topic, so start reading today! You can also subscribe to receive the newsletter by email – just click on the link below and look for the ‘subscribe’ button.

November PBTR Newsletter 

The PBTR resources include templates, articles, videos, interactive scenarios and more. The interactive scenarios are clean, simple, and clear and give you information on what to do, how to react or adapt programs or how to provide support with a list of fact sheets at each stage.  Check out this one on inclusion of people with a disability 

There is also a range of online/face to face learning available covering topics such as child protection, inclusive coaching, complaint handling and more. There are also mini-courses, which are short topic specific courses, with interactive features and quizzes. Typically, each mini-course takes around 30-45 mins to complete and you can download your certificate of completion. Take a look and start a mini-course today 

The PBTR website also covers lots of topics under headings of complaints handling, conduct and behaviour, and other issues. Whether it is simply to broaden your knowledge or to work out some ideas to solve any issues you have come across, come on and Play by the Rules!  
