
Planning & Preparing for a Successful 2024/25 Sailing Season

Published Mon 13 May 2024

With the off-season underway in most States and Territories and on-water activities winding down, it's time to begin looking towards the upcoming season. Early planning and preparation to ready club equipment, volunteers, staff and processes are vital to the delivery of quality experiences for members and participants when the new season begins. 


Planning is the key to setting the direction of your Club or Discover Sailing Centres operations. Take time to reflect on what worked well last season, identify areas for improvement and develop a clear plan of action for the upcoming season.  

Australian Sailing offers a suite of resources to assist you with your participation planning, available from the Participation Hub, and we can assist you by delivering a participation planning workshop for your committee, staff and management at your club or Discover Sailing Centre.  

As you plan for the upcoming season, you might consider introducing a new program or course, such as the recently launched Australian Sailing Learn to Wing Program. This program is specifically designed to introduce newcomers to wing-surfing, complementing the suite of other programs available for Clubs and Discover Sailing Centres. 


Once your plans are in place, it's time to start preparing what is needed to deliver them.

Use the off-season to prepare your facilities, ensure you have the correct equipment for the programs you want to deliver, train your volunteers, or staff and begin promoting your programs. By addressing these details ahead of time, you'll set yourself up for a successful start to the 2024/25 sailing season. 

Australian Sailing have a range of courses available to help train your volunteers and staff and have created the marketing and promotional materials for your Club or Centre to use in promoting your activities. 

If you would like any assistance or guidance with your planning or preparation for a successful 2024/25 sailing season, we encourage you to contact your local Club Support Team member.  

  • The Australian Sailing Participation HUB can be accessed here 
  • Information on the Australian Sailing Learn to Wing Program can be accessed here 
  • Marketing & Promotional resources can be accessed here 

