
OutThere Sailing for Teens is now Underway

Published Wed 16 Jan 2019

Victorian teens can now get more active in water sports as a part of the new Australian Sailing pilot program OutThere Sailing.  The VicHealth funded program for 12 to 17-year-olds aims to increase participation in non-competitive sport.

This summer ten clubs from around Victoria are piloting the program through their Discover Sailing Centres.  In addition to dinghy and keelboat sailing, OutThere Sailing offers teens the opportunity to try a variety of water sports including windsurfing, stand up paddle boarding and powerboating.

Frankston Yacht Club is one of the first clubs to offer the program and their Discover Sailing Principal Tom Jackson said OutThere Sailing has been a complete success.  “The participants demanded we add more sessions after the first OutThere Sailing 1 course,” Jackson said.  “A lot of teenagers simply want to have fun and enjoy time with their friends and that’s what this program provides.”

OutThere Sailing offers courses and one day experiences.  The focus is on fun and social engagement and structured to allow friends to learn together even if their skill levels are different.

If you have teenagers, or have friends or family who have teenagers that want to get active or get into sailing, then the OutThere Sailing program could be for them.


To find an OutThere Sailing course near you click on the link below.

Also, make sure you follow our socials!

Instagram: @outthere_sailing
