
OutThere sailing 2019 reflection

Published Mon 02 Dec 2019

Coming into the festive season is a great time to reflect on the past year. 
OutThere Sailing started up its second year earlier in July and has been going from strength to strength ever since – all thanks to our amazing clubs and participants. 

OutThere Sailing was created for 12-17 year olds to enjoy sailing in a non-competitive, fun and social environment.  Many teenagers are looking for a way to try something new, have fun with their mates and get out in nature – this is the ideal way to do that. It removes the competitive element of sailing and leaves the fun, social aspects that we all love. 

OutThere Sailing is a great way to grow a youth culture into your club that happens both on and off the water. Many clubs have found that it is a wonderful way to keep young sailors who perhaps are no longer interested in the competitive side, a way to bring in new people to the sport or a great way to get teenagers involved over the school holiday period. 

Starting initially in Victoria, OutThere Sailing is now available all around Australia. We can’t wait to see the amazing things that happen over the summer holidays and beyond. Thankyou everyone for a wonderful year, see you in 2020! 

If you have any questions about OutThere Sailing feel free to contact a project officer in your state or find out more info here 
