
Our roadmap for growth - Australian Sailing’s Participation and Membership plan

Published Mon 29 Aug 2022

Australian Sailing is proud to release its Participation and Membership Plan, a roadmap for clubs and classes to achieve participation and membership growth, including the steps and actions for implementing each goal and project.


“Australian Sailing’s Participation and Membership Plan sets out the direction for what we will do over the next two years to support clubs, classes and the sport in continuing to grow.  This document is a crucial foundation piece of our Sailing Participation Framework, which will ensure the 2032 Australian Sailing Strategic plan is actively and progressively implemented to achieve the goals we have set for sailing” says Ben Houston, CEO Australian Sailing.



Australian Sailings 2022-2024 Participation and Membership Plan has four focus areas listed below that you can read about in full detail via the plan via this link:



1. Club Support Program

2. National Safety & Integrity Frameworks

3. Club Participation Programs & Sailing Participant Pathways

4. Official, Coach & Instructor Workforce Development

Key projects to support these focus areas are already underway, the recently released Club Participation Programs gives clubs and class associations a valuable resource on how to deliver sailing programs and keep members engaged with the sport.




This plan has been developed with the sailing community, for the sailing community.  Actions have been set in what Australian Sailing will do to support clubs in growing participation and membership with suggested actions for clubs to adopt.


Australian Sailing encourages club and class leaders, the sailing workforce of officials, instructors and coaches, and sailors to have a read and reach out to your State Club Support Team should you have any questions.


We look forward to supporting clubs and classes in continuing to grow our sport.
