
Officials in Focus: Protest Committee Member

Published Mon 13 Sep 2021

Within the sport of sailing, protesting is an acceptable way of formally resolving racing issues and on-water disputes where it is believed the rules may have been broken. The role of Protest Committee Member (PCM) is to participate in the protest hearing process and assist in delivering a protest decision. Depending on a PCM’s experience their skills may extend to covering arbitration as well.

Volunteering under a Committee Chair, PCM’s are appointed to:

  • Hear testimonies
  • Receive evidence
  • Identify what rules (if any) have been broken.
  • Establish the findings.
  • Deliberate and discuss the findings as Committee.
  • Contribute towards providing a hearing decision.

At club and inter-club racing events, it is important to have a number of rules savvy people available for appointment as PCM’s. In addition to knowing the Racing Rules of Sailing - Part 2 (when boats meet), its essential that PCM’s understand the process for delivering hearings within the rules – this helps ensure the delivery of quality hearings and avoid protest appeals.

To assist clubs with training and identifying quality PCM’s Australian Sailing has developed a new entry level Protest Committee Member qualification. To become certified and meet the accreditation requirements, members can solely study the online Protest Committee Member course, then practice on the job at club and interclub racing events.

The PCM online course provide a structured approach to learning which covers the correct procedures to conduct consistent, fair protest hearings and arbitration. It is suitable for club staff and volunteers looking to gain knowledge about delivering quality protest hearings at the grass roots level through to regattas.

For Clubs and Classes there are many benefits to promote the Australian Sailing Protest Committee Member education and training:

  • Clubs and classes can be assured knowing that by using Australian Sailing accredited officials the required levels of competency and high-quality service delivery are being provided.
  • Qualified PCM’s can be used to provide education to sailing members regarding the Racing Rules as it pertains to the lodging a protest and completing a hearing.
  • Training your developing PCM’s equips them with the knowledge to maintain levels of consistency, fairness & safety in the delivery of their role.
  • Developing ‘ín-house’ officials (avoiding costly outsourcing of officials) reduces the overall costs of quality running racing.
  • With accredited officials on board, stakeholders will know that the Club meets racing requirements and has a good reputation for service delivery in officiating, and this will help gain hosting rights for race events.
  • Providing a quality race services by appointing experienced and accredited Officials will lead to retention of volunteer officials.

From an official perspective, Australian Sailing qualified PCM’s can leverage the below benefits:

  • Being recognised within the sport through Australian Sailing training and certification.
  • Being listed on the Australian Sailing website’s Officials Finder (useful for obtaining race appointments).
  • Gaining Race Officer appointments allows members to contribute to the running of quality racing and participate with other likeminded volunteers in the sailing community.

So far in 2021 since its release, the Protest Committee online course is providing great access for distance and self guided education. The ability for clubs to continually develop their Officials throughout the Covid-19 pandemic has been greatly assisted by the provision of this quality online course.

For more information on the Australian Sailing Judge discipline please head to our website HERE or to access the Judge Policy document click HERE.

For any further course enquiries please contact for further information.
