
NSW Sailing in a Covid Environment - Removal of regional zones

Published Thu 24 Sep 2020

We are pleased to advise that Australian Sailing along with other NSW State Sporting Organisations has received from NSW Office of Sport and NSW Health changes to the requirement for the regional restrictions.

From Saturday 26 September, interregional community sporting competitions can recommence without restricting these activities to regions or zones, where there is a COVID-19 Safety Plan for the community sporting activity in place.

The advice provided in August regarding limiting spectators to one parent per child, and inter-region sport and recreation activities has been removed, however organisations must still ensure their activity is delivered in compliance with the Public Health Order and the COVID-19 Safety Plan requirements.


This includes the requirement to:

  • Adhere to the 500-person limit for community sport activities (including participants, officials and spectators) and/or adhering to the one person per four square metre rule in indoor spaces.
  • Organisations and spectators are to ensure that physical distancing of at least 1.5 metres is maintained between people that do not come from the same household. 
  • Sailing organisations and participants should continue to avoid shared travel arrangements such as car-pooling, along with minimising social gatherings before and after the event.


We appreciate your support in reducing the risk of community transmission at this critical time and for the patience and understand over the last couple weeks. Australian Sailing are still working on further exemptions for Sailing with NSW Health to best ensure sailing is able to proceed going forward in a normal fashion. More information can be found on the Australian Sailing Covid Page

Carl Webster

Regional Manager – NSW/ACT
