
NSW June Update - Relaxation of Restrictions

Published Thu 11 Jun 2020

The NSW Government restrictions announced that restrictions on community sport would be further eased as from Wednesday 1st July 2020.

From 1st July 2020

  • Full contact allowed during training and competition with no limits on crew numbers.
  • Recreational boating is still exempt from the 4m2 rule whilst afloat, however the skipper needs to ensure those on board maintain social distancing where reasonably practicable whilst not engaged in competition or training.
  • Changing rooms are able to be used however consideration needs to be taken into strategies to reduce crowding and promote physical distancing.
  • Register your club as a COVIDSAFE Business.
  • A club specific COVID-19 Safety Plan must be able to be produced on request
  • Contact tracing record must be kept for all participants, spectators, officials, coaches, staff, contractors, and visitors.

The NSW Office of Sport has advised us that the NSW Government will not be following the National Cabinet endorsed Framework for Rebooting Sport in a COVID-19 Environment developed by the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) on Friday 1 May 2020. It will instead rely solely on the NSW Public Health Orders.

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Implementing plans, processes and systems to meet government and health requirements, and provide safe sport environments.

Ensuring safe facility and participant practices, like hygiene practices, attendance registers at training and limiting shared equipment as much as possible.

Being prepared for management of a COVID-19 outbreak, noting things can change quickly in your local area.

Consideration of protocols to optimise good public and participant health into the future.

What does this now mean for our sailing clubs?

  • GET IN – SAIL – GET OUT still applies;
  • Stay home if you are unwell;
  • Club activities including racing can resume as long as the current Public Health Orders are complied with;
  • Limited activities to small individual groups where possible;
  • Practice good hand hygiene before, during and after sailing;
  • Avoid physical contact where possible;
  • Do not share drinks, towels, clothing etc;
  • Encourage sailors to arrive dressed, ready to go.
  • Contact tracing records must be kept
  • Encourage the use of the COVIDSafe app for everyone whilst at your club.
  • Follow the one person per 4 square metres rule ahore to ensure sufficient physical distancing between people.

How many people can I have on board?

Whilst engaged in competition /training – No limit whilst engaged in competition or training activities, however social distancing should be maintained as reasonably practicable.

Whilst engaged in social sailing - You must still observe the maximum ten-person rule and so far, as reasonably practicable, maintain a physical distance of 1.5m and not share equipment. ie- sitting/hiking close to other people on the rail of a yacht is not maintaining social distancing of 1.5m but working together to tack or gybe is acceptable.

Can clubs deliver racing and organised club events, i.e. Sport?

YES - Clubs need to conduct their own COVID-19 Safety Plan and determine whether certain activities can comply with the Public Health Orders. (You can find useful resources at the bottom of this page)

Restrictions eased in the latest Public Health Order affecting clubs include but not limited to:

  • 10-person gathering limit if in a public place.
  • 500-person limit for an outdoor space - when allowing persons to enter or stay on the premises clubs need to ensure there is 4 square metres of space for each person on the premises.
  • 100-person limit for an indoor space - - when allowing persons to enter or stay on the premises clubs need to ensure there is 4 square metres of space for each person on the premises.
  • 50-person limit for facilities serving food and beverages.

Can clubs deliver face to face courses?

YES - provided that the Public Health Orders are complied with.

As the rules on gatherings and use of shared equipment remain in place, courses and programs we recommend that due the practicable nature of delivering these courses whilst observing social distancing and use of shared equipment that courses are limited to 10 persons including instructor. This includes, but is not limited to;

  • Accredited Australian Sailing programs, including all activities within the Dinghy, Tackers, Keelboat, Powerboat and Windsurfing programs
  • Discover Sailing Days
  • Club organised learn to sail, windsurf or powerboat courses (non-Australian Sailing accredited courses)
  • Instructor and officials’ courses.

Is coaching permitted?

YES - Provided you comply with the Public Health Orders.

Useful resources for Clubs





Further guidance for Sport

If you have any questions, please contact your Regional Manager Carl Webster via email or 0415 707 305
