
NSW Covid-19 - Regions for Community Sport - Updated 27th August 2020

Published Thu 27 Aug 2020

In response to increased cases of COVID-19 in NSW, Dr Kerry Chant (Chief Health Officer - NSW)  is  advising of further public health measures to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission related to participation in community sports. These updated recommendations will help clubs  to meet the NSW Government’s aim of achieving no community transmission in NSW and will support community sports to continue operating safely.

 It is essential that community sports organisations have a COVID-19 safety plan covering the sport and recreation events, and the club is fully compliant with this plan at all times. NSW Government Covid Safety Marshalls are visiting clubs around NSW. In addition, clubs are asked to please implement the following updated public health recommendations: 

  • Cease activities that result in the mixing of participants and staff from different regions, for example by ceasing racing, regattas and regional or state championships or competitions.  
    • Inter-regional mixing include activities which bring together participants (including spectators and officials) from organisations in different regions of Sydney, from a rural area into a metro area and vice versa, and movement between different rural areas 
    • For water-based sports in Greater Sydney (i.e. Sydney Harbour or beach-based sports), NSW Health have requested that there should be at least three (3) ‘regions’, determined by the SSO/SSOD, but ideally more. Click here for the determined regions for sailing - Updated 27th August


  • Cease any activities that result in overnight stays (e.g. multi-day regattas, training camps) due to increased risk of COVID transmission in residential-type settings with shared facilities 
  • Cease face-to-face social activities relating to community sports (e.g. award ceremonies, bbq's, end-of-season social gatherings, post-training group dinners, open-days) 
  • Avoid carpools or bus travel with people from different household groups where possible 
  • For local activities, limit spectators to one parent only, where the child requires parental supervision during the sporting activity. 

Clubs are requested to please commence implementation of these recommendations by Wednesday 19 August. NSW Health anticipate that these recommendations will need to be in place for the next 6 weeks until the end of September. Australian Sailing will continue to update you in relation to the continued need for these public health measures. I would like to thank your club for your support and ongoing attention to providing a COVID-19 safe environment. 

Many thanks

Carl Webster - Regional Manager NSW/ACT




Updated COVID-19 Safety Plan templates from the NSW Office of Sport will be available at the link here

Important information for NSW clubs

  • Full contact allowed during training and competition with no limits on crew numbers
  • Social distancing of 1.5m when not training or competiting must be adhered to at all times.
  • Recreational boating is still exempt from the 4mrule whilst afloat, however the skipper needs to ensure those on board maintain social distancing where reasonably practicable whilst not engaged in competition or training.
  • Ensure processes are in place to exclude participants (including spectators and officials) if they have visited Victoria in 14 days prior.
  • Ensure processes are in place to exclude participants (including spectators and officials) if they have attended any of the reported case locations listed on the NSW Health website
  • Physical distancing of 1.5m must be kept at all times when not taking part in training or racing.
  • Record keeping (Contact tracing) must be kept for all participants, spectators, officials, coaches, staff, contractors, and visitors. Preferably in a digital form to allow it to be easily accessed if required.
  • Where possible, it is requested that all community sports clubs and associations put plans in place to minimise spectators to parents and carers only.
    • Measures that may assist implementation include:
      • Limiting entry to indoor facilities and fenced venues to one person per participant at junior sport (where practical);
      • Restricting spectator entry at adult community sport;
      • Provide communication to participant databases via e-newsletters, social media and organisations’ websites strongly suggesting that only parents and carers should attend community sports activities where possible;
      • Make PA announcements (where the facility exists) at venues reminding people to minimise spectators to parents and carers where possible.
  • Increase COVID-19 safety signage in venue carparks and at common entry points at outdoor venues;
  • Changing rooms are able to be used however consideration needs to be taken into strategies to reduce crowding and promote physical distancing.
  • Register your club as a COVIDSAFE Business.
  • A club specific COVID-19 Safety Plan must be able to be produced on request
  • Changing rooms are able to be used however consideration needs to be taken into strategies to reduce crowding and promote physical distancing.

In response to increased cases of COVID-19 in NSW, Dr Kerry Chant (Chief Health Officer - NSW ) is advising of further public health measures to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission related to participation in community sports. These updated recommendations will help clubs to meet the NSW Government’s aim of achieving no community transmission in NSW and will support community sports to continue operating safely.

It is essential that community sports organisations have a COVID-19 safety plan in place, and are fully compliant with this plan: guidelines/community-sporting-competitions-and-full-training-activities

In addition, please implement the following updated public health recommendations:

  • Cease activities that result in the mixing of participants and staff from different regions, for example by regatta's, regional or state championships or competitions. 

    • Examples of inter-regional mixing include activities which bring together participants (including spectators and officials) from organisations in different regions of Sydney, from a rural area into a metro area and vice versa, and movement between different rural areas.

  • Cease any activities that result in overnight stays (e.g. multi-day training camps) due to increased risk of COVID transmission in residential-type settings with shared facilities

  • Cease face-to-face social activities relating to community sports (e.g. award ceremonies, BBQ's, end-of-season social gatherings, post-training group dinners)

  • Avoid carpools or bus travel with people from different household groups where possible

  • For local activities, limit spectators to one parent only, where the child requires parental supervision during the sporting activity.

Clubs are requested to please commence implementation of these recommendations by Wednesday 19 August. NSW Health anticipate that these recommendations will need to be in place for the next 6 weeks. I will continue to update you in relation to the continued need for these public health measures. I would like to thank your club for your support and ongoing attention to providing a COVID-19 safe environment.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to give the NSW Club Services Staff a call or email.


  • GET IN – SAIL – GET OUT still applies;
  • Stay home if you are unwell;
  • Club activities including racing can continue as long as the current Public Health Orders are complied with;
  • Limit activities to small groups where possible;
  • Practice good hand hygiene before, during and after sailing;
  • Avoid physical contact where possible;
  • Do not share drinks, towels, clothing etc;
  • Encourage sailors to arrive dressed, ready to go.
  • Contact tracing records must be kept
  • Encourage the use of the COVIDSafe app for everyone whilst at your club.
  • Follow the one person per 4 square metres rule ashore to ensure sufficient physical distancing between people.
