
NSW COVID-19 Update - 12 August 2020

Published Wed 12 Aug 2020

After a video call with NSW Office of Sport this morning, Australian Sailing (like all other State Sporting Organisations) has been requested to send out the following information to all clubs. With the recent increase in positive COVID-19 cases in young people in particular those who are school aged, the next 6 weeks have been deemed critical for cases within our state. NSW Health are currently reviewing restrictions for community sport and it is expected that these may increase over the next couple weeks.

The key points we have been requested to remind clubs include:


    • Reduce participants, officials and parents etc attending your club as much as possible
    • Avoid people gathering whilst sport is taking place – Do parents need to hang out the club? Is it possible to discourage siblings/ other family members hanging around the club
    • Maintain 1.5m social distancing at all times where possible. 
    • Increase warnings for those who are sick, showing symptoms etc to remain away from the club
    • COVID Safety Marshals have started to check on sporting clubs around NSW from this weekend for compliance. Every club with more than 20 participants (sailors, officials, spectators, parents etc) is required to have a COVID Safety Plan and this must be produced on request
    • Contact tracing should be continued to be recorded as much as possible, with ideally digital records and retained for a minimum of 28 days.
    • Club racing and regattas are able to continue, however clubs are being asked to where possible avoid events where competitors are coming from areas outside your clubs metro areas.
    • Avoid travel to regattas outside your local area
    • COVID plans specific to your regattas must be developed
    • Infection rate in children is of a high concern to NSW Health in particular over the next six weeks.
    • Attention needs to be put into ensuring that junior competitors/ participants are maintaining social distancing, cleaning/ hygiene requirements



  • GET IN – SAIL – GET OUT still applies;
  • Stay home if you are unwell;
  • Club activities including racing can continue as long as the current Public Health Orders are complied with;
  • Limit activities to small groups where possible;
  • Practice good hand hygiene before, during and after sailing;
  • Avoid physical contact where possible;
  • Do not share drinks, towels, clothing etc;
  • Encourage sailors to arrive dressed, ready to go.
  • Contact tracing records must be kept
  • Encourage the use of the COVIDSafe app for everyone whilst at your club.
  • Follow the one person per 4 square metres rule ashore to ensure sufficient physical distancing between people.


Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to the NSW Club Services Staff a call or email.
