
NSW Child Safeguarding for Clubs

Published Tue 04 Jul 2023

Here are the recordings of the recent child safeguarding in sport and recreation webinars from the Office of the Children’s Guardian. You are welcome to share the links to the videos and pdf handout with anyone who you think would find them helpful.

Access the PDF Resources Here: The Child Safe Standards for sport and recreation


The first recording is An Introduction to the 10 Child Safe Standards. In this video, we run through:

  • What are the 10 Child Safe Standards?
  • What can you do at your sport or recreation organisation to implement the standards?
  • What resources can support you in your child safeguarding journey?
  • Attached is the pdf handout from that webinar.


The second recording is about the Child Safe Self-Assessment. In this video, we cover:

  • How does the self-assessment work and how can it help you?
  • What can you do to get the most out of the self-assessment?
  • How will your data be used by the Office of the Children’s Guardian?


Feel free to share the recording links and the handout with your staff, volunteers, committees members and parents at your sport and recreation organisations.
