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Northern Territory Regional Managers Update – LIVE TOP 5 – September 2019

Published Fri 13 Sep 2019

  1. Upskilling your volunteers – Wet Season seminars.


The seminars are more short practical information sessions to increase confidence and abilities of volunteers. This is something that we hope will encourage more people to discover the joys of being an OFFICIAL and create confidence in those that have already gained training in the past. Numbers are limited.


Flags & Timekeeping - Cement your skills in flags and timekeeping on the start line with this 1hr practical session:

Top Yacht - Learn how to calculate race results and start a series in this 1hr practical session:

Mark Laying - Learn the skills required to be a capable mark layer in this 1hr practical session:

Action item for clubs: Promote to your members. Tap a few people on the shoulder – if you know people that just need to confidence before they put their hand up or might benefit from skills gained encourage them to register. They will be your volunteers and we need to spread the load so it’s not always the same people that get worn down.

Contact Claire Hall for details and if you have any questions on or 0467 307 234

  1. SheSails Wet Season programs


Some of the most popular topics back. The topics have proved a great platform for women who are new to sailing to meet and network with regular sailors and get to know each other. This has led to increased confidence in meeting skippers and getting on the water.

The CLEANING LADY charter in both the Wet Season Series & Classic Races has also created a good introduction into club racing. In 2018/2019 Wet Season Series 26 new women gave sailing a go and sourced regular positions on boats as a result. Many are still sailing although as always some have left town. I am currently working on how I can replicate this in an open setting so that there is an option for men as well - watch this space.


Sailing Language Explained! @ DSC

Splicing @ DBCYA

Marine 1st Aid @ DSC

VHF Basics @ DBCYA

Action item for clubs: Promote to all females that took part in learn to sail programs in 2019. Also market in newsletters as a great way to break the ice and get involved in sailing club activities (at both Darwin clubs) in an easy and welcoming manner.

Contact Claire Hall for details and if you have any questions on or 0467 307 234


Australian Sailing Travel Assistance Grants are now open! Applications close on 1st November. Any full member travelling to a National or International Championship can apply and I would encourage members to do so. 

Action item for clubs: Promote to any sailors that will be travelling south to represent the NT at upcoming events. Both via newsletters and race presentations.

Contact Claire Hall for details and if you have any questions on or 0467 307 234

  1. Submit your news articles to display on the Australian Sailing website and newsletters.

Australian Sailing is always looking for great content on events and activities that happen around Australia at our wonderful clubs. If you would like to share your club activities with others please submit your article to include a short blurb, your article and a picture or two and our communications team will do the rest.

Click here for an article on the 2019 Darwin Ambon Yacht Race

Click here for an article on the Norther Territory Championships

Click here for Club of the Month – Dinah Beach Cruising Yacht Association

Action item for clubs:

Contact Claire Hall for details and if you have any questions on or 0467 307 234


Sat 2 Nov – 3 short races in front of Cullen Bay

Sun 3 Nov – Wet Season Race 1

Social event at DSC on Sat and Presentation at DBCYA on Sun. Registration is either in person at DBCYA on Friday 1 Nov or online

Gove Boat Club will be travelling across to participate with at least 1 x Defence team joining them. This is the only event that has representation across all NT clubs and it also provides a great opportunity for sailors to get to know others that might be from another club.

Action item for clubs: Promote the event and encourage your sailors to participate in both days for something a little different.

Contact Claire Hall for details and if you have any questions on or 0467 307 234

Bonus item:

RevSport Membership database season roll over

Online Services preparing for a new membership year

Membership Rollover
Clubs can determine their own 12 month membership season in the revSPORT system. If your club is yet to provide your membership year, please fill in the
2019/20 Club Membership Season survey so we can roll your season over. Clubs who do not provide their membership year will automatically roll over on 1 October.

New Season Membership Guide
If your club has just rolled over on July 1 or need to, please take the time to read over our
new season membership guide.

Action item for clubs: Ensure this has happened asap for your club. Contact our online services team or your Club Services Officer if you have questions or need assistance. This is an important administration task to get right.

Contact Claire Hall for details and if you have any questions on or 0467 307 234


As a new initiative to keep our sailing club community informed, I will aim to communicate through the Monthly Club Newsletter my top 5 topics for clubs to be aware of – LIVE TOP 5. I encourage club committees to table these at your club committee and/or sailing committee meetings and ensure your club is 1) aware of these topics, 2) taking advantage of or contributing from the information by taking steps within your club to continually improve your club activities and environment.  If at any stage you would like more information or would like me to make comment on a topic please email me at or call our office on (07)3393 6788.

For local inquiries and on the ground support contact the NT Club Services Officer Claire Hall on or 0467 307 234.
