Noosa Regatta raises classic sails
Published Mon 24 Mar 2025
The Sixth annual Noosa Gaff Rig Regatta is set to be held on Saturday the 7th & Sunday the 8th of June 2025, on the Noosa River.
The Regatta is held each year to raise funds for the Noosa Yacht & Rowing Club’s Sailability program.
Sailability is all about giving people with disability the opportunity to have the same enjoyment of sailing that many people experience on a regular basis throughout Australia. Sailability offers a fun, safe and welcoming environment where people with disability are accepted and encouraged to participate in and enjoy the sport of sailing.
Sailability is an international program, first introduced to Australia in the 1990’s, and offered at Noosa Yacht & Rowing Club since 2010. Sailability organisations are “not for profit” and volunteer based.
A Gaff rig is a sailing rig (configuration of sails, mast and stays) in which the sail is four-cornered, fore-and-aft rigged, controlled at its peak and, usually, its entire head by a spar (pole) called the gaff.
Any yacht with a 4 corned mainsail Gaff, Lug, Gunter or otherwise is eligible to enter the regatta.
The Gaff Rig Regatta entrants come from all over the Eastern states of Australia to participate in this fun filled fundraising event and to compete for the various NYRC Gaff Rig Trophies.
As a bonus in some states the Regatta dates also include the Kings Birthday long weekend holiday.
The Noosa Gaff Rig Regatta boats can be constructed of traditional or modern materials.
For the 2025Regatta we are expecting 20 to 30 traditional Gaff rigged yachts of all shapes and sizes sailing on the Noosa River, which will create spectacular events to watch!
We plan to increase the number of competitors this year by encouraging resurging classic dingy classes like, Mirrors, Herons, Heavy Weight Sharpies, and Gaff rigged unrestricted 12ft to18ft dinghies.
No previous Regatta racing experience is required as the Noosa Yacht and Rowing Club will provide a full briefing and instructions.
The NYRC can arrange launching, mooring, accommodation, crew and anything else if required.
Registration is only $55 and can be made by contacting the NYRC office on 5449 8602 during business hours or visit the website at to place your entry.
For images of past Noosa Gaff Rig Regatta search: “Images Noosa Gaff Rig Regatta”
If you have more time to spare the Noosa River and the Noosa Everglades are the most unique, beautiful, and natural sheltered location in Australia to cruise in small yachts.
The NYRC can assist you with more Noosa adventures or visit Tourism Noosa's website.
Further details are available from Valere on 0434879861 or Phil on 0418343107
Words and photos: Phil Atkins/Noosa Yacht and Rowing Club