
New guidelines relating to COVID- 19 for community sport in New South Wales

Published Wed 26 Aug 2020

The NSW Government has issued new guidelines relating to COVID- 19 for community sport.

The State Government believes that there is currently a heightened risk of community transmission, and as a result they have asked all sports to restrict their activities to avoid intermingling of people across regions.

What this means for sailing in NSW

1. Ceasing face-to-face social activities relating to community sports (e.g. award ceremonies, end-of-season social gatherings, member BBQ’s, post-training group dinners)

2. Avoiding carpools or bus travel with people from different household groups where possible

3. For local activities, limiting spectators to one parent only, where the child requires parental supervision during the sporting activity.

4. Ceasing any activities that result in overnight stays (e.g. multi-day training camps, regattas) due to increased risk of COVID transmission in residential-type settings with shared facilities

5. Ceasing activities that result in the mixing of participants and staff from different regions, for example by ceasing regattas, regional or state championships or competitions

6. No inter-regional mixing, include activities which bring together participants (including spectators and officials) from organisations in:

different regions of Sydney
from a rural area into a metro area and vice versa, and
movement between different rural areas​​​.​

The government expects to review this position in the first week of October.
