
New COVID-19 Directions - South Australia

Published Tue 17 Nov 2020

New COVID Directions came into effect from The SA Government at midnight last night, initially for a 2-week period, - to be reviewed.

Here’s a brief summary of what you need to know.

The following activities are not permitted (expected duration of 2 weeks) -

Play cafes
Trampoline centres or similar
Sport at recreation centres
Community sport (indoor / outdoor, contact / non-contact) - This includes organised sailing activity
Dance / yoga / pilates / spin classes
Any activity with a previously approved COVID Management Plan must not be carried out for a period of two weeks from the commencement of the Direction

The following activities are permitted -

Outdoor boot camps / personal training (complying with density and social distancing rules)
School sports taking place during curriculum time (Note: some school sport has already been cancelled. Please check with Schools on this)
Swimming for fitness or rehabilitation purposes at swimming pools used by the public (Note: some pools have made the decision to close, please check with your local pool)
Indoor public meetings
Onsite purchase and consumption of food or beverages, if -

  • food and beverages (including alcohol) are only consumed by patrons while seated
  • there are no communal food or beverage service areas (such as buffets, salad bars or communal water / beverage dispensers); and

The total number of persons attending the place does not exceed 100 people (including outdoor seating); and
The total number of persons on each table does not exceed 10

General directions -

Density requirements have changed to 1 person per 4 square metres
Physical distancing remains at 1.5 metres
Private gatherings at licensed venues will be capped at 50, with 1 person per 4 sqm, no vertical (standing) consumption
Hospitality (pubs, clubs, restaurants) capped at 100 per venue, with 1 person per 4 sqm, standing consumption including outdoor, max booking size 10, seated dining only
Gatherings at private residences capped at 10 people

General advice -

Consider working from home if you can
Vulnerable people should remain at home
Restrict all unnecessary travel/outings
Wear a mask for activities where you cannot avoid crowds (e.g. bus/train travel)
Get tested even if your symptoms are only mild
Check SA Health website for locations/dates and times were isolation/testing is recommended
For the full Directions and FAQ’s visit -
