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Mooloolaba Bar

Published Mon 30 May 2022

Australian Sailing confirms that we are aware of the state and nature of the situation regarding the Mooloolaba Bar and its current state as a hazard to navigation. We are also aware of the detrimental effects to our clubs and the Queensland sailing community, and those who want to visit the region that could affect the sustainability of sailing and the sport on the Sunshine Coast. Australian Sailing has a very good relationship with Maritime Safety Queensland and meets regularly to discuss many topics.  

During our last meeting last week, the condition of the Mooloolaba Bar was discussed, and the MSQ plans to improve the situation both in the short and long term. MSQ confirmed that they would be restarting the dredging as soon as a weather window presented itself, and I believe this has now commenced. This is a short-term measure that will continue for some time, probably indefinitely. However, as you can see in the link to the MSQ website below, MSQ is now progressing on a long-term and permanent solution that will improve the Mooloolaba Bar's navigability. This process will take some time, but the actions have been set in motion.

The attached link is an update published on the 25th of May 2022 to the MSQ Mooloolaba dredging.  Mooloolaba boat harbour dredging (Maritime Safety Queensland) (

Australian Sailing is very much working on behalf of the sailing community. If you have any further questions or require more information, please feel free to send them to Ben Callard at
