
International Official Appointments for 2019

Published Thu 17 Jan 2019

The 2018-19 Christmas and New Year period has provided another busy holiday season filled with plenty of national and international championships across the country. Australian Sailing would like to thank all club volunteers and Race Officials that have established, promoted and successfully delivered great racing to our sailing community.

The pinnacle of performance within Australian Officiating are our National and International Race Officials. These volunteers deliver a large percentage of Australia’s significant events and also act as mentors to our up and coming Officials.

Australian Sailing would like to extend a message of congratulations to all Australian officials who have recently been awarded International level accreditation, for both new and renewed appointments:


Damien Boldyrew

Ian Humphries

Timothy Went

Robert Ware



Andreas Blasse

Graeme Harbour

Peter Carter

Barry Johnson



Graeme Watt

Hugh Leicester

Click Here to find a list of all current World Sailing International Officials.


Australian Sailing is also proud to announce that three Australians have been identified in the World Sailing International Officials grouping system.

This system identifies International Race Officers to be appointed to major World Sailing events and Olympic class events as:

“Chief/PRO: race officers who have the capability and experience to act as Principal Race Officer at the Olympic Sailing Competition, World Sailing’s 4-yearly Sailing World Championships and annual Sailing World Cup events, and Olympic Class World Championships”.

“Lead/Course Rep: race officers who have the capability and experience to act as a senior member of the race committee at the above regattas and World Sailing’s Youth World Championships”. 2019 – 2020 Grouping of World Sailing International Race Officers (World Sailing, 2018).


Congratulations to the following Officials that have been grouped:


Kevin Wilson (AUS)

Ross Wilson (AUS)



David Brookes (AUS)

Australian Sailing would also like to thank and recognise the following individuals that are not renewing in 2019 yet will carry on as National level Officials. Their service and performance as an International Official has positively impacted the racing community and contributed towards upholding Australia’s proud history of elite officiating in Australia


Patricia Ford (IU)

John Kirkjian (IJ)

Mark Pryke (IRO)

Stewart Ross (IRO)


Officiating Renewals for 2019

Australian Sailing encourages any officials that have had their accreditation expire at the end of 2018 to apply for renewal. Australian Sailing is accepting applications for renewals for 2019, to find out how to renew, click here.


Training of club volunteers and staff

Australian Sailing offers many training programs for Race Officials education, accreditation and reaccreditation. These seminars can improve the skills of the volunteers and sailing staff who help run events at your club and provides a great opportunity for networking with surrounding clubs. To learn more about Officiating please click here.
