Instructor, Coach, Offical Development Strategy - UPDATE
Published Fri 15 Mar 2024
Following the launch of the Instructor, Coach, Official Development Strategy, we are pleased to share an update on recent developments.
As per the strategy, we will achieve success by delivering in four phases over the coming years.
Since the strategy launched, the ‘Explore’ phase is 75 per cent achieved, and we are moving quickly towards the next phase, ‘Development’.
The following information provides an overview on what has been done so far, and what you can expect in 2024 as we look to continue development of the workforce for the future of sailing.
We encourage club committees, management and administrators who would like to contribute to developments to complete the EOI form below.
What we have done (October 2023 – February 2024):
- Completed an evaluation and review of workforce surveys, consultation with committees and coaches/instructors/officials – all levels
- Implemented a better re-accreditation process for coaches/instructors who hold multiple certifications, reducing barriers identified by coaches/instructors
- Extended club race officer accreditation after receiving feedback and aligned extension to the strategy developments.
- Training In Focus – Live has been re-imagined for 2024, an exciting start to the day in each state where DSC Principals and their team can immerse themselves in quality participation experiences
- A learning and development model for sailing conceptualised and drafted
- Reviewed every Australian Sailing e-learning course for future re/development
What is next (March 2024 – June 2024):
- Draft learning and development model – feedback from community sought
- Current and future e-learning courses designed, after receiving feedback about the learning and development model
- Sailing committee/administrator/manger feedback sought from clubs on their interest in Australian Sailing developing training for this sector of the workforce
- Trial new coach/instructor training course material and assessment
- Trial club delivered training
What else is on the 2024 roadmap:
- Development of Officiating Training In Focus and Officiating mentoring
- Design and development of priority e-learning courses and modules, including a new safety module, two official courses (scorer/handicapper and duty officer), coach/instructor course, and power/safety boat modules (all aimed for early 2025 delivery)
- Continue Coach Development Webinars that were introduced in 2023
Australian Sailing will continue to provide updates in Club News.
We encourage club officials to keep connected and contribute to the Instructor, Coach, Official Development Strategy.
If you would like to be involved in reviewing the development work and provide feedback, please complete this EOI form.