
General Manager - Victoria Monthly Update January 2024

Published Wed 24 Jan 2024



In this update, you will find the following:

  • Weekend away at Stawell Yacht Club
  • Club Grants
  • Upcoming AS Courses
  • Events
  • Child Safety – Model 1 – lets do this together!
  • Useful Resources


Stawell Training Weekend

Over the weekend, the Stawell Yacht Club in partnership with Yachting Western Victoria organised a training regatta open to all beginner and intermediate sailors from clubs in the region. Kate Hyde, Meaghan Densley and Nadine Tabak provided on-water instructor support during the event.

Lake Fyans, an inland lake with ideal conditions, was the perfect location for sailors to learn and try new skills. Mick Dougherty from Portland Yacht Club provided excellent instruction, and the Stawell Yacht Club members warmly welcomed sailors from around the area as if they were their own.

One of the most significant outcomes of the training regatta was observing the social learning that occurred as more experienced sailors shared their knowledge with beginners. After every session, sailors naturally came together to practice and discuss what they had learned, strengthening their friendships.

The Vic Office will support this event by providing teaching resources and skill development for instructors and coaches. Clubs are encouraged to check out the resources on the Australian Sailing website If you are planning a training or coaching weekends, please contact your CSO officer.





Sporting Club Grants Program – GET READY NOW

Applications open: Tuesday, 20 February 2024
Applications close:  Wednesday, 20 March 2024 at 4:00pm

Category 1: On-field Uniforms or Equipment
Up to $1,000 to purchase on-field playing uniforms, participation equipment for competitors and active participants, safety, injury prevention and first-aid equipment.

Category 2: Volunteers and Officials
Up to $2,000 for projects that provide practical improvements to strengthen volunteering and officiating.

Category 3: Access and Engagement
Up to $1,000 to assist with funding for tools and resources that improve accessibility and governance and strengthen engagement with members and participants.


Up to $4,000 to plan and deliver a new sport or active recreation program.
Eligible applicants can submit one or more applications in the following categories:

Category 4: Competitors
Up to $750 towards the costs of travel, accommodation and event registration fees for individual athletes selected to attend representative competitions, selection trials or training camps.



Upcoming Courses

Type Location Dates Registration
Dinghy Mordialloc Sailing Club 4 & 11 February Instructor
Dinghy The Boatshed 20 & 21 April Instructor
Dinghy The Boatshed 18 & 25 August Instructor
Dinghy The Boatshed 29 & 30 June Instructor
Dinghy Williamstown Sailing Club 21 & 22 September Instructor
Foil-Lab Coach Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron   Register
Keelboat Sandringham Yacht Club   Instructor
Judge - National The Boatshed   Register
Powerboat Black Rock Yacht Club   Instructor
Judge - Regional The Boatshed   Register
Race Officer The Boatshed   Register
Sailing Coach Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron   Coach

Anyone interested in doing a course not listed here should complete the Expression of Interest Form so we can let you know when a course is added

A full calendar is available online here


Save the Date

2024 Zhik Youth Championships
Coaching Clinic:
4-5th April
Regatta: 6-7th April

Victorian Sailing Summit
Venue: Royal Brighton Yacht Club
Date: 1st June

Training in Focus - Live
Venue: Royal Brighton Yacht Club
Date: 7th September

Victorian Sailing Awards
Venue: Sandringham Yacht Club
Date: 20th September

Are you looking for events? Want to advertise your event? Add it to the Victorian Sailing Calendar!


Child Safety Standards

Child safety is an essential part of your club’s culture. Even if you are not running a “tackers program”, it is vital that your club has implemented the 11 child safety standards.

To Assist clubs, each month, we will be going through a standard at a time to assist you in becoming compliant.

Vic Sport has created an eLearning platform to help explain each standard and numerous other resources: Please check them out.

Standard 1 – Cultural Safety

The Victorian Child Safe Standard 1 wants your club to make sure that Aboriginal children and young people feel safe and respected. The club should help children to express their culture and value Aboriginal culture. The club should not allow racism and should discipline anyone who does. The club should help Aboriginal children and young people to participate and belong. 

To be a culturally safe club for Aboriginal children and young people, your club should begin by (this is not an exhaustive list) 

Add an Acknowledgement of Country Add to Website, newsletters, and agendas

Update or create a Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy  This document includes the club’s commitment to respecting and valuing Aboriginal children and young people.  
Update your Application for Membership or Training forms Your application forms refer to your public commitment to child safety and cultural safety for Aboriginal children  
Code of Conduct and
Methods of reporting
Volunteer/instructor/committee induction Include respect for culture
Opportunity for education

Does your club have these critical documents in place? 
  Yes, my club has these documents. 
   No, my club does not have these documents. 
   My club has some of these documents in place. 

Remember, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. 
Have a look at what other clubs and sports are doing. Talk with them and share information and ideas. 
We are looking for great examples to highlight, if you think your club might be happy to share your learnings, please let me know.
Please consider cultural safety in addition to child safety at your club. 

Useful resources

Find my AS Number:
VIC Calendar:
