
General Manager - Victoria Monthly Update December 2023

Published Sat 02 Dec 2023

In this update, you will find the following:

  • Office staff update and Christmas Closure

  • 2023 wrap up

  • Club Race Officer Update

  • State Sailing Calendar

    • Save the Dates - Youth, Club Summit, Vic Awards

  • Grants - Start Preparing - New Funding starts Feb

Office Update

To help cope with the busy season, the Vic Office is happy to welcome Laila Grafton.

Laila will be assisting the office with various tasks such as REVsport inquiries, booking DSC reviews, and general admin tasks.

Please contact your club-appointed CSO or myself in the first instance, and we will redirect work to Laila as required


Office Closure

The Victorian Office will be closed from the 22nd of December until the 8th of January.

If you have any urgent issue that can not wait till our return, please call and leave a message. Alternatively please send us an email titled URGENT, and we will get back in touch with you ASAP.

2023 Wrapped UP

Just a few of the 2023 successes include:

  1. Launch Club and Class Hub.

  2. Launch Game Plan.

  3. Launch Pulse Survey.

  4. Launch online Case Study Submission.

  5. Launch of Class Association Engagement sessions.

  6. YoY increase in Sailing Summit participation. 8%

  7. YoY increase in Club Survey responses. 34%

  8. YoY increase in State Sailing Award nominations.

  9. Zhik Youth Sail Series  - securing a naming rights sponsor and seeing growth in attendance.

All of this is on top of the regular annual activities

  1. Club Survey

  2. State Sailing Summits

  3. State Training in Focus – Live

  4. State Sailing Awards

  5. State Youth Sail Events

  6. Discover Sailing Centre reviews

  7. Club visits

  8. Instructor/Coach/Official Courses

  9. She Sails Forums

  10. revSPORT inquiries

  11. Club inquiries

  12. Member inquiries

  13. Class Association inquiries

  14. Discover Sailing Centre’s

  15. Government Stakeholder Management

  16. RAC / MYA administration and management


Race Management Induction/Training for your Club 

When people are asked why they do not volunteer at their club, one of the Number 1 responses is - the fear of looking silly and not knowing what to do!

Australian Sailing has recently launched an Race Management induction checklist and presentation template for clubs to adapt and use at their clubs with new volunteers.

A Race Management Induction training day can help to build a positive culture at your club, as the whole team get to know each other better and grow their social connection to each other and to the club itself. 

Sporting Club Grants Program

Round 2

Applications open Tuesday 20 February 2024

Applications close 4pm Wednesday 20 March 2024


Category 1: On-field Uniforms or Equipment

Up to $1,000 to purchase on-field playing uniforms, participation equipment for competitors and active participants, safety, injury prevention and first-aid equipment.

Category 2: Volunteers and Officials

Up to $2,000 for projects that provide practical improvements to strengthen volunteering and officiating.

Category 3: Access and Engagement

Up to $1,000 to assist with funding for tools and resources that improve accessibility, governance and strengthen engagement with members and participants.


Up to $4,000 to plan and deliver a new sport or active recreation program.

Eligible applicants can submit one or more applications in the following category:

Category 4: Competitors

Up to $750 towards the costs of travel, accommodation and event registration fees for individual athletes selected to attend representative competition, selection trials or training camps.



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Australian Sailing Pulse Survey

Your opinion matters. The Pulse Survey is your opportunity to provide live feedback as and when you desire. The responses will be checked regularly and a summary provided direct to the AS Senior Leadership Team and Board of Directors - 

Complete the Survey
