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General Manager – Tasmania Monthly update Pt. 2 – February 2023

Published Wed 22 Feb 2023

The latest updates from Australian Sailing's General Manager – Tasmania – Felicity Allison 

Please click this link to find a copy of all past Tasmanian General Managers Updates. 


Volunteer focus - Race Officer Bridget Hutton

Bridget Hutton has been a Race Officer for many years and continues to be an active part of the Tasmanian sailing community. As a volunteer, she is often found supporting various sailing regattas whether it be an off the beach class or keelboats. She has been the Race Officer for the Tasmanian Women’s Keelboat Regatta in the past and will again be their Race Officer on March 4th and 5th.

‘Being a Race Officer combines two of my great loves – spending time on the water and being with my family. My brother and niece are Race Officers and my nephew coaches young sailors and sails competitively. We’ve been around boats all our life’.

‘I love the challenge of being a Race Officer - balancing the technical aspects and the need for precision, with all the moving parts of wind and water and managing a great team of volunteers. We aim to give competitors a safe, fair and enjoyable race. It’s never dull.’

‘One of the great aspects of sailing is that it’s one of the few sports where women and men compete in the same competition. Whole families are involved in sailing and you make friends for life’.


Combined Clubs Women’s Keelboat Regatta – Bellerive Yacht Club

Entries are open for the Women's Keelboat Regatta to be held on 4 & 5 March at Bellerive Yacht Club. A great way to share time with other women who sail and make new friendships.

If you are interested in sailing or being a volunteer for the event please contact

More information can be found on the following link: Combined Clubs Women’s Keelboat Regatta. Enter here:  


Instructor and Coach Courses for 2023 & e-learning opportunities :

Upcoming Instructor and Coach Courses will be online shortly so please let us know if you are interested by emailing

A great qualification to have and a fun way to be part of the sailing community.

You can also check out the e-learning opportunities on the AS Resources page 


Schools Teams Racing:

Term 1 Schools Teams Racing has begun on Wednesday afternoons at Sandy Bay Sailing Club and will run for 6 weeks. State Championships will be held on the weekend of April 1 &2  also at SBSC. All information about Teams Racing is on this link 2023 Term 1 – Hobart School Team Sailing Series

With 12 teams racing there is sure to be some great sailing happening. If you are interested in being involved in Teams Racing, please contact the General Manager - TAS, Felicity Allison


Laser State Championships  - Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania

Don't forget State Champs coming up at the RYCT

There has been some interest from interstate entries, and I hear on the grapevine some older folk may be dusting off their boats. Should be loads of fun.


Tasmanian District Laser Class State Championship 2023

Tasmanian District Laser Class State Championship 2023


Optimist State Titles – Sandy Bay Sailing Club

2023 Tasmanian Optimist State Championship incorporating Green Fleet Regatta is being held on 4th & 5th March, 2023.

The event will be hosted at the Sandy Bay Sailing Club in conjunction with Tasmanian International Optimist Dinghy Association (TIODA) and proudly sponsored by North Sails and PJs.

This two-day event is open to all Optimist sailors from around Tasmania and interstate.


Youth Sail Tasmania:

It was unfortunate that we had to cancel the 2022 Youth Sail Coaching Clinic and Youth Championships, but we are well underway preparing for the 2023 event.  Dates and venue will be announced soon, so watch our facebook page (2) Australian Sailing - Tasmania | Facebook or the Youth Sail Tasmania webpage   for all the updates.


Any questions please contact the General Manager - TAS, Felicity Allison
