
General Manager - Tasmania Monthly Update October/November 2024

Published Tue 29 Oct 2024

The latest updates from Australian Sailing's General Manager – Tasmania – Felicity Allison 

Please click this link to find a copy of all past Tasmania General Managers Updates. 

Are you sharing this information with your Sailing Committee and Community? 

With our TAS Sailing Awards now complete and the National Awards not far away, we are excited to have three representatives who will be attending the Awards in Sydney. Congratulations to the following finalists: Chris Symonds from Wynyard Yacht Club for Para Sailor of the Year, Port Dalrymple Yacht Club for the Sustainability Award and ALIVE Yachting for Team of the Year. Congratulations must also go to all of our State nominations and winners and we look forward to another enjoyable evening at the Maritime Museum next September to celebrate our sailing community.

We have just completed the four day 2024 Zhik YouthSail TAS at Sandy Bay Sailing Club and had approximately 60 sailors on the water learning new skills from an experienced group of Coaches both from Tassie and interstate. We were also extremely lucky to have Paris Olympian, Evie Haseldine, visit the sailors to share her story about sailing and sign a few tops, wetsuits and posters. A big thank you must go to Sandy Bay Sailing Club for hosting the well organised event and we look forward to next years’ YouthSail to again be held at SBSC. For a full overview and results of the event please go to this link – TAS YOUTHSAIL

This Month’s Update:

·         AS National Awards

·         AS Events in TAS

·         Grant Opportunities

·         Discover Sailing Day

·         Play Well Online Session

·         Ticket to Play

·         TAS Sailing Calendar

·         2024 SheSail Conference

·         Club and Class Resources

·         Keep in Touch

AS National Awards

The 2024 finalists for the national Australian Sailing Awards have been announced, with clubs, volunteers and sailing stars from around the country all in the running for recognition at the nation’s peak sailing awards. For more information about the Awards and to see all Finalists please go to this link – AS AWARDS

AS Events in Tassie

Exciting times ahead for this sailing season with major Australian Sailing events being held in Hobart. The first one is at the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania, the Open and Youth Match Racing Championship on 24th to 27th October. Registration is full for the event and it should be a close competition with top sailors from around the country competing. For more information please clink on the link: AS MATCH RACING

The second event is the Australian Yachting Championship to be held at the Derwent Sailing Squadron on 3rd to 5th January, 2025. Following after the Sydney Hobart, there are sure to be many keelboats that will stay on for this event to enjoy sailing on the Derwent River. For more information about the event please go to this link: AS Yachting Championship

Grant Opportunities

I would highly recommend that all Clubs and Classes subscribe to the Tasmanian Government’s grant alert service as this provides a notification of grant programs and when they are open. You can subscribe by emailing:

You can also find more information about current and future grant rounds at the following link; Active Tasmania

  CLUB ACTION: Register and look at the grants currently open


Discover Sailing Day

November is Discover Sailing Day month and we would love to support you run a successful event. If you are interested please contact AS and visit the website for information about how to run a successful Discover Sailing Day – DISCOVER SAILING DAY

  CLUB ACTION: Have a Discover Sailing Day and help build your membership

Play well online sessions

The Australian Sports Commission’s Play Well team will be running an online session on Wednesday 23 October about Creating positive environments in community sport and how we can modernise sport.


Ticket to play

Ticket to Play is a Tasmanian Government program designed to reduce the cost of sport and active recreation membership for eligible children. There are currently only four sailing clubs registered!  Is your Club registered for Ticket to Play? Here is the link to register: TICKET TO PLAY

  CLUB ACTION: Register for Ticket to Play to support membership


TAS Sailing Calendar

(All Clubs have been emailed access to this. Classes to go through the hosting club)

With the new sailing season underway, have you put your Club/Class events on the TAS Sailing Calendar so that everyone knows they are on? Good communication is the key to supporting our sailing community and this is how we can make it easier for everyone. If you require support for adding an event please email

  CLUB ACTION:Add your events and contact AS if you erquire help TAS Calendar

Club and Class Resources

AS has a massive number of resources that you can access to assist club and class committees. The information will assist clubs and classes to run more effectively, deliver safe quality activities, become sustainable and ultimately contribute towards growing membership and participation. 

  CLUB ACTION: Visit the site today!  AS RESOURCES

Updating Club Contacts

Not Receiving Official AS Communications?

When Flag Officers change roles your club account details need to be updated, without key contact details, Australian Sailing cannot contact the right people.

  CLUB ACTION: Check your Club’s contact details in the Account details section of revSPORT - How to Update Club Contacts


Keep in touch

Laila and I are available to answer your queries by phone, face to face or to meet via Teams online. 

Felicity Allison
General Manager 
Direct Phone: 0438 279 761
Laila Grafton
Club Support Officer 
Direct Phone: 0487 403 800

You can find a full list of Australian Sailing Contacts – here.

